Chapter 5

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A/N: I'm not dead! Sorry for the delay. I had a chapter up and ready, but I felt like this one was a major necessity to the chapter I had ready, and rest of the story. I hope you enjoy!


In the golden themed library , a young adult brunet sat on the floor surrounded by many opened books, and scattered pieces of paper surround him, his eyes darting about as he chewed on the end of his pencil. He let out a grunt of frustration as he tried to find a common pattern, but wasn't really coming up with anything helpful. His fingers gripped his hair as he continued to rack his brain on the information before him, frustrated that he couldn't understand what it all meant.

He let out an aggravated yell as he buried his face into his hands, taking deep breaths as he tried to calmly sort the information in his mind, the cross-referencing historical events from his and Bill's world with supernatural happenings that's been recorded throughout his time, alongside with major technological advances. Sure it may sound simple in writing, but actually trying to figure out every exact moments in time didn't help the fact that the wording in the books seemed to be changing on him, events moving around just to fuck with him, and it was infuriating!

It just so happened that a certain blond demon was walking past the door when he heard a cry of frustration along with a jumble of thoughts that'd give him a migraine if he took the time to listen and try and sort them out. He cocked his head as he looked at the decorative door, recognizing the voice and jumble of thoughts as Dipper's, he went over and entered the room, only to stop at the sight of the massive mess of books and papers before him with Dipper curled up in the center of it all. Well this was a familiar sight, Bill gave a quick bittersweet smile, but quickly masked it with his usual façade, "What cha doin' kid?"

The brunet jolted at the sound of the dream demon's voice, he didn't hear the demon walk in, "O-oh, h-hey Bill, didn't even know you came in."

The tanned demon in human from shrugged, "I come and go as I please. Now what's with all of this mess?"

"Huh, oh." Dipper's eyes glanced around him, seeing what the demon before him was referring to, "S-sorry, guess I got so caught up in research that I didn't notice...I'll get it cleaned up." The brunet went to reach over to a messy stack of papers, but was stopped by Bill's tanned hand grabbing onto his arm, causing the eighteen year old to freeze up.

"You don't have to do that now Pine Tree, if your trying to find something, be my guess. But may I ask what it is you're looking into?" Bill's golden eye was trained on Dipper's chestnut orbs, his face inches from the mortal's, as he tried to pry into his mind, but didn't find anything that would cause any harm to him or their deal.

Dipper's face turned into a deep shade of red at the close proximity with the dream demon, he pulled his arm out of the blond's grasp and turned his head to avoid eye contact the hot demon, wait hot? Dipper's eyes widen, 'No, no, no! He is not! He's the reason you're stuck here, you can not go falling for his tricks! Just answer his question, he'll probably brush it off like it's nothing and saying something about being below him and go away. Don't want a repeat of what happened last time I tried to fight back...'  

Trying to conceal a shudder from the memory, Dipper answered,"I-I'm just trying to find a correlation with supernatural events intertwining with my world's history to find a common denominator..."

Bill cocked his head at the brunet who faced away from him, "Well from the noise I just heard outside it doesn't seem to be going well." He stayed silent for a moment, almost expecting the mortal to make some sort of comeback, but when Dipper stayed silent Bill got an idea. "How about some help?"

Dipper's back stiffened at the demon's words, he slowly turned towards the dream demon who now sat next to him in the middle of book piles. "What?"

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