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A/N: Ik I haven't been updating recently and it's because I've been having these horrible ass migraines 🤦🏽‍♀️ my fault y'all I'll update as soon as possible

Devin POV

Later that same morning, 3 am-ish I heard a knock on the door but ignored it thinking it'll go away but when it didnt I got up and made my way down the stairs. Once I made it to the front door I got the gun.

"I swear if it's Dave ima shoot your stupid ass" I said while opening the door to hear a chuckle one I hadn't heard before which caused me to look up

"Nah not Dave ma, but he did send me to bring you your stuff you forgot" I took my belongings from him my purse which held my phone etc

"That's where my phone was well thanks" he nodded and began to walk away it was then that I noticed it was as if he was about to fall every two seconds "Are you drunk!?" I shouted at him

"Yeah" he turned around responding and continued to walk as if it wasn't anything

"Well you shouldn't be driving, come on" he turned around and looked at me for a few seconds then shrugged and came in the house. I put the gun back and showed him to the guest room. "I'm down the hall if you need me" I then left and got back into the bed with kai & lele.

6 hours later

I woke up and the girls were still asleep so I decided to make breakfast. I had to get up slowly so I didn't wake the children, I brushed my teeth and made my way to the kitchen. I began taking out the stuff I was going to use and began to cook. As I was cooking I heard little feet so I knew it was kai, I felt her hug my legs. I smiled looking down only to see her looking up at me so I picked her up.

"Hey mamas"

"Hey ma"

"You ready to eat?" She smiled and nodded her head

"Okay lets get you cleaned up" I put the food on low then went into my room and we brushed kai's teeth and washed her hands. As we were walking out the bathroom I saw my baby moving around once she saw me she started smiling

"Morning my baby!" I cooed picking her up

"Me see mommy" I bent lele down so kai could see her

"Okay y'all lets go back to the kitchen" we all walked back to the kitchen and I turned the stove off, kai sat on the stool at the counter and I put lele in her high chair I'm trying to get her to eat on her own more without my help. As I began to dish up the food I heard none other than Maria.

"Smells good in here!" She Walked up smiling a big kool-aid smile. I just shook my head and put a plate that consisted with 2 cut up pancakes,2 cut up sausages and a small scoop of eggs in front of kai. As for lele I just put a cut up pancake on her plate and gave it to her. As I was dishing up Maria's plate I heard footsteps which caused me to look up and I saw the man from last night. Then the doorbell rang while I sat a plate in front of him and Maria got the door.

"Dev it's for you!" I heard her shout while I heard 2 pairs of feet coming my way I looked up and saw Dave and i scrunched my face up

"Your here why?" He had flowers and everything but I wasn't fucking with how he was acting yesterday. I just looked at him and saw he saw dude from last night and he scrunched up his face quick quick.

"Fuck he doing here!?" Once kai heard his voice she ran to him and hugged his legs looking up at him


"Hey kai"

"Eating like everyone else obviously we're trying to eat so quiet down" I shrugged continuing to eat

"So you fucking my friends now" he asked with his eyebrows raised like where he got this from. I looked down and noticed I was just in a big shirt

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to" I sipped my orange juice

The stranger finished eating then stood up "calm down bruh" the He turned to me "thanks for looking after my daughter yesterday at the pool party"

"No Problem" I just smiled lightly then continued to eat

"Chris don't be smiling at her" he basically growled out

"He's just thanking me chill !"

"Come on girls let's go watch some paw patrol" Maria picked up lele & took kai upstairs while Chris left while as I just continued to eat my food.

"So you fucking my friends now?" He really was making me made with that stupid question so I stood up

"No I'm not fucking your friend ! He was drunk this morning bring me my stuff that you should have!" I noticed he got closer to me and just held me in his arms

"I'm sorry" I just chuckled a little

"That shit wasn't cool, then you got made at me and helped shorty. You wasn't even worrying about kai. Shit was foul" I pushed him away to create some distance. Which only made him come closer and held my chin so I looked at his face.

"I'm really sorry butterfly, I shouldn't have did and said those things."

"Heard you" I moved around him and started to clean up. I heard him sigh and trap me up against the counter which caused me to turn around and face him. "Look I'm still upset so ima make you work for me,simple. Once I feel like you earned me we can be cool again"

He smiled "okay I could do that mamas. I want you to meet my baby mouva because I want the air to be clear now that kai's around you a lot"

A/N: I could always imagine him saying that shit hard asf

"if she do that stupid shit like she did last time the outcome will be the same she'll end up on the floor" I shrugged and folded my arms

Ik it's sharp it's a lil some some for now

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