The apology

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I am finally home after this long and horrible day, words can't explain how much I wish me and Siena were still close like we used to be, and to think this is all because of something I said. I don't know what was the worst thing that happened to I can't decide between the dirty looks I got from Jamie and Jasmine or the fact that my "best friend" doesn't want anything to do with me and won't even speak to me.

**message tone**
I wonder who this could be, I open my phone and see a message from Aaron asking if I want to hang out. Obviously my answer is yes he says he will pick me up in 15 minuets. Oh my gosh what am I going to wear, its not everyday Aaron wants to hang out with me I have to make it special and try to take my mind off of  Siena but I need to text her when I get back from going out with  Aaron.
**5 minuets later**... Finally I know what I'm going to wear a yellow t-shirt and a blank shorts with my black and white VANS and the necklace I got from Siena on my birthday (my most prized possession). Now I am done and waiting for Aaron.

**car hooter**

It's Aaron,I go outside and get into the car. He stares at me and says hi beautiful I cant help but blush, hi Aaron I respond so where we going to Aaron. That's for me to know and you to find out shortcake he says with a smirk. Oh my word you so annoying I say while laughing he looks back at me and says I learnt it from you and starts laughing.

Since we just driving I decide to sent Siena a text because I can't wait to do this the message says: Siena I know right now we not exactly in a good space and you probably don't wanne speak to me I don't know why you hang out with Cianté when she is just the spawn of Satan. You said things to me that honestly had me wondering whether we were ever friends to start with. I really love you and don't want us to stop being best friends over a pathetic fight, I hope one day you could forgive me and listen to me when I say Cianté is evil and only wants to hurt you.

I send the message,put my off and give it Aaron because I am not ready to hear what she says...
Are we there yet I ask Aaron in the most annoying voice ever. He looks at me, rolls his eyes and says that we actually are here I look up and see a big.......

Friend zone again.....Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora