The confession

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I ran after Cianté and I slapped her,walked away like I didn't care but inside I was crushed. From there I went back into the book and I punched Darren leaving him with these words:" goodbye, you sorry excuse for a person enjoy your life and hope you get lost at school." I went home and started balling my eyes out I realized I had no one , I pushed away everyone that cared about me and I could actually trust.

Me and Aaron sit there with a look of confusion and disappointment in our eyes. I stood up from where I was sitting and hugged Siena, she full on can't stop crying but I'm here for here as long as she doesn't go back to Cianté ever again. After a hour and a half of the three of us talking and catching up we decide we going to make a miniature reunion with Val,Nick, Devon and obviously us 3.I know this is going to go well especially since Siena stopped crying. Aaron and I have decided not to tell anyone we dating yet. I haven't even told Siena yet only because she is a bad place right now.

Aaron and I are off back to my house after a amazing afternoon with Siena. We get into the car and start driving. After about 20 minutes we arrive at my house and go inside as usual it's just me and Aaron my mom isn't home yet. It's kind of how Aaron is slightly scared of my mom. We head upstairs to my room. As soon as we get to my room I tell Aaron to sit down because I need to go get my teddy bear from his car.

As I am walking down the stairs I notice Aaron is behind me, he says he wants us to go and get food. Well I would never say no to food so obviously I agreed. We got back into the car but before we could even start the car I see Ashley running towards my house so I got out of the car. She hugged me and then said:" Riley I have a problem it has to do with Jasmine I think she.........

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