Chapter Two

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After you had said your thanks to Michael and rushed to your mother's side, you and the rest of your coven were quick to bring Cordelia back inside the compound. You and Queenie, being the strongest of the group, were the ones to carry her to the Hawthorne library, and place her upon the black, leather couch. The entire way to the library, your mother screamed and cried for her girls, yelling out your name, as well as Myrtle, Zoe, and Queenie. Madison didn't let it go unsaid that Cordelia didn't call out her name. Once you had gotten your mother settled on the couch, and had Zoe fetch some cold rags, you noticed that the boy was no longer around. You shook the sudden, unknown feeling that had settled over your shoulder off, as Zoe entered the room with a water bucket and some rags.

You and Myrtle knelt yourselves in front of Cordelia, taking turns dabbing her forehead with the cold rags. The other girls stood behind you, watching in worry (even though Maddison desperately tried to hide it), as your mother slowly began to rouse. Zoe came over and sat to your mother's left, while Myrtle raised herself to your mother's right. You stayed on the floor, at her feet, holding onto her hand and allowing Myrtle to take over with the rag.

"Easy, dear, you're alright. You're with us. You're safe," Myrtle spoke gently once your mother's eyes had opened and she looked around.

"What happened?" she asked immediately, looking from you, to Myrtle, to Zoe.

"You lost consciousness," Zoe explained.

"And, you had a lot to say about it, too," you interrupted, shooting Zoe an apologetic look.

"I was talking?" your mother asked, looking from you to Myrtle.

"And screaming a lot," Myrtle affirmed, looking down at her. "But before that, you were calling out our names," she explained and then listed everyone your mother had shouted for. You focused your gaze on the fire kindling in the back, allowing its flickering flames to calm your nerves.

"You left me out though." Everyone turned at the new voice, and you saw Madison standing there with her arms crossed, beside Queenie. "Not that I'm surprised. Did you guys even know I was dead?"

"Yes, Mads, we knew," you said, standing up from your mother's feet. Before Madison had died, she was your best friend. Her loss had hit you the hardest. Madison bit her bottom lip and looked over at you, before rolling her eyes and releasing a dramatic sigh. You took that as your cue, and with a smile, you raced over to pull her into a hug.

"You are back..." your mother's melodic voice interrupted the two of you, and you pulled back to see her marveling at Madison and Queenie. "I didn't imagine it!"

"Well, I might be imagining all of you. I'm not 100% sure that any of this is real," Queenie spoke up, looking between you and Madison.

You smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. "It's real, Queenie. We're all together again."

Your mother stood up carefully, hastily making her way over to the resurrected witches. You stood back, allowing the three of them to hug it out, despite Madison's protests. After a minute or so, your mom pulled back and turned to you. "I want to see him. The boy."

You didn't understand why she was telling you this, but you nodded anyways. You all followed her down the hallways, assuming that she knew where she was going. And she did because soon enough, you all came upon Ariel and the rest of the warlock council, the boy included.

"Are you alright? We were all so worried," Ariel called out as all of you rounded the corner, coming to a stop in front of a fire pit. You proudly stood at the front of the group, right beside your mother. Your eyes were instantly drawn to the boy, and you had to narrow your eyes in the dim lighting to get a better look at him.

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