Part Fifteen: The End

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You lay curled on your side, on top of Michael's large, grey bed, lazily watching him while he works. The bed sheets are covering your nude body, while Michael idly sits at his desk, quickly typing away at his computer. He's dressed in typical, power-asserting attire, despite laying naked between your thighs only moments ago. You don't know what he's working on, and you don't bother asking, content with watching the man you love busy himself. Your (e/c) eyes are beginning to slip shut, the sweet escape of sleep slowly calling your name, when Michael's bedroom door unexpectedly slams open. You jolt, looking up with offense and horror, as Ms. Venable and Ms. Mead waltz in.

Immediately, you sit up, clutching the grey, silk sheets to your chest. "What the fuck?"

Michael sighs, "Ladies, I'm a little busy right now formulating my selections." He doesn't even turn his head from the computer to acknowledge their presence.

"You seem busy with other things, too," Ms. Venable snarls, looking you over, before correcting her tone. "This won't take long."

Michael slowly shuts his laptop and turns in his chair, resting a graceful hand under his chin. "What's this?"

"We're making the selections now, Mr. Langdon, and I'm afraid you don't make the cut," Ms. Venable explained, stopping a few feet away from Michael and his desk. Her eyes glance over to your naked form, quirking an eyebrow. "And neither does the slut in your bed."

You'd been busy discreetly slipping on your undergarments beneath the sheets, when Ms. Venable had called you out. "You fucking-"

Michael laughs, hand twirling through his hair, effectively silencing your retort. "I'm sorry," he smiles. "I wanted you to have your moment, but I just couldn't hold it in. Especially with the apparent jealousy coursing through your body," he says, eyeing Venable up and down.

"You think this is funny?" Ms. Venable questions, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I think, I'm impressed. I wasn't sure you had it in you. You've passed the test- you're perfect for the Sanctuary." By now, you're too confused to even try and make sense of the conversation. All you can do is silently pull your dress off of the floor and bundle it in your lap, waiting for the right time to slip it on.

Ms. Venable takes a heavy breath, watching Langdon as he stands from his chair and struts over. "Ms. Mead," she speaks, her voice wavering but eyes never leaving Langdon's.

During the altercation, you took the chance to quickly rise from the bed and slip into your dress, hastily zipping it up. Your eyes stay trained on Michael as much as possible. "Michael, what's going on?" you interrupt, once your dress has been situated on your body. Suddenly, however, before Michael can answer, Ms. Mead pulls a gun from her waist. The gun is cocked and pointed straight at you. You freeze, hands immediately curling into your side. You're prepared to use your magic if need-be, but you can't imagine hurting Ms. Mead, or Michael allowing her to hurt you, for that matter.

"I wouldn't do that," Michael sighs, continuing to stare down Venable.

After a silent moment, Michael tilts his head to the side, shifting his gaze over to Ms. Mead. You watch, as slowly, Ms. Mead's arm begins to move in the direction of Ms. Venable, and away from you. A shot rings out across the room, and before you know it, Venable is gasping in pain as blood seeps from her chest and onto her white blouse. She drops to the ground with a thud, gasping for air and trying to hold onto her life.

"I don't know why I did that," Ms. Mead whimpers in shock, her hand shaking while continuing to hold onto the gun. "I was always loyal to her."

"It's alright," Michael hums, stepping over Ms. Venable's dying body to come to your side. He removes his jacket and wraps it over your shoulders, before tucking you into his side.

18 Months -- Michael Langdon x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ