Chapter Eleven

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"Michael?" you hummed softly, your body spread out beside him on the bed. His denim blue eyes were shut, with the morning sun peeking in through the blinds and glowing over his naked body. Michael simply grunted in response, turning his back to you in order to avoid the sunlight. You rolled your eyes at his antics, and wrapped yourself around his back to get his attention. "Michael."

"What, fox?" he grumbled, sliding his hand into your own, and holding it captive against his chest.

"When will you wake up?" You kissed his bare shoulder at your words, in an attempt to ease him into wakefulness. "You're always awake before the sun rises."

"Hm, they don't call me Morningstar for nothing," Michael sighed, snuggling back against your chest.

"Nobody calls you that."

"Well, they should."

You rolled your eyes and fell silent for a few minutes, simply staring down at his half-asleep form, and thinking how it had been roughly a year since you first met Michael. So many things had changed since then, and you had only just recently come to terms with them. You hadn't heard anything from Cordelia, Myrtle, or Madison since the attack at Miss. Robichaux's, and you only briefly saw surprising images of Coco and Mallory on the internet (Coco was some hotshot Instagram influencer now, and you had no idea how that managed to happen). Michael and yourself had grown stronger over the past year, and not a day went by that the two of you weren't together. Everybody in The Cooperative had come to know your name and your face, and Michael had made it very clear that you were to be treated with same amount of respect as he was. A couple members had made the grave mistake of treating you as a simple accessory to Michael, but you and Michael were quick to take care of them- leaving them a dead, bloody mess where they stood.

After awhile of laying there and reminiscing, you grew bored of the silence. You looked at Michael's bare, unmarked shoulder for a moment, before you bit into it. "Jesus fuck!" Michael shouted, his lips practically burning with the holy curse. He jumped up (nearly elbowing you in the nose), and examined his shoulder for the damage you had done.

"You awake now?" you grinned, flopping onto your back and staring up at him.

Michael stared down at you with wide, shocked eyes, while rubbing his tender shoulder. "You're psychotic," he growled.

"Hey now, don't be rude," you pouted mockingly, reaching up to run a thumb over the bite mark.

"Why couldn't you have waited?" he huffed.

"It's like... 7 o'clock, Michael. I'm bored and I've been awake for hours. Be grateful I didn't wake you up at four," you frowned, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Oh, yes, I'm so fucking thankful that you bit me," Michael snarled, throwing the covers off of his naked thighs so he could get out of bed. Your eyebrows furrowed at his tone, and you followed him out of bed, looking like a kicked puppy. Thankfully, the room was nice and warm against your bare body, so you had no problem wrapping your arms around Michael.

"I'm sorry," you sighed, resting your head against the middle of his back. Balancing on your tiptoes, you placed a gentle kiss against Michael's bruised flesh.

Michael turned in your arms, placing the palms of his hands against your face. "I can't be mad at you when you're naked," he mumbled.

"Then don't be mad at me," you giggled, reaching up so you could kiss him. Finally, Michael smiled against your lips, pulling you closer to him. He ran his cold hands down your back, briefly fondling your ass, before they rested on your hips.

18 Months -- Michael Langdon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now