Part Fourteen

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You paid Langdon no mind as you yanked Gallant off of the bed, wiping at his face to try and rid him of Evie's blood. His lips were moving with unspoken words, his hands clutching your forearms so tight you could hardly move them- you were positive you'd have bruises within the hour. "Gallant-Gallant, breathe," you cooed, running your hands up and down his chest to try and coax some oxygen into him.

"I-I killed her, oh my god, I killed my nana!" he wailed, his body turning to deadweight in your arms as he finally took a breath of air. You grunted as he fell against you, and you barely managed to lower the both of you to the ground without crashing. Gallant looked so broken curled in your arms, and you knew, that even though Evie had sent him to die earlier this morning, she had also cared for him his whole life. Gallant loved her, even when she tried morphing him into someone he wasn't, he couldn't imagine his life without her. But now, he had to.

"Come on, we have to get you out of here-"

"No! No, I won't leave her," Gallant cried, beginning to push away from the floor and stumble back to his blood-soaked bed. He clawed desperately at Evie's limp body, trying to rouse her back to life with all that he had.

"Gallant, listen to me. We have to get you cleaned up and out of here before anyone sees you," you said, trying to knock some sense into him. But, Gallant simply shook his head, refusing to acknowledge your words.

"Langdon already saw, and he's the only one around here with any real power. He's going to kill me anyways, so why bother?" he whimpered, collapsing onto the bed and covering Evie's body with his own, like throwing a sheet over an antique couch.

"Langdon won't do anything, I doubt he even cares. But Venable will having a fucking hayday. So, get your ass up, and come with me," you growled. Gallant shook his head defiantly, causing you to roll your eyes in frustration. With a grunt of annoyance, you wrapped your arms around Gallant's body, once again hoisting him away from the bed. Gallant wasn't much taller than you, and you'd always prided yourself on your strength, meaning you didn't have much of a struggle with getting him away from Evie.

"No! Goddamnit, (Y/N), put me the fuck down!" he screamed, thrashing in your arms. It was almost enough for you to loosen your hold, but you refused to let him go through anymore pain. Grumbling under your breath, you managed to toss him out of the room and slam the door shut behind you, its echo richoeting down your spine.

"My room, now." You shoved at Gallant's body, herding him into the safety of your room as footsteps began to approach you. Once you were securely inside, you tugged him over to your bathroom, and locked the door behind you.

"I can't believe you just made me fucking leave her there!" Gallant snapped, beginning to fumble with the doorknob as you made your way to the shower.

"Would you just fucking listen to me? Your grandmother is dead, and there's nothing we can do about it. But, if Venable or Mead find out exactly what happened, you'll be fucked. And not in the way you want," you scolded, reaching behind you to grab his arm and pull him away from the door. "Now, strip and get in the shower."

Gallant ligered by your side, the adrenaline and fight beginning to wear off. His slumped shoulders and quivering bottom lip screamed 'defeated', and with a gentle whimper of surrender, he began to unbutton his vest. Gallant offered no more protests or declarations of guilt and remorse. Turning your back to give him privacy, you stalked to your bathroom mirror, hunching over the sink it was placed above. So much had happened today, you figured your friendship with Gallant would have been strained until it snapped in half. But, as your fingers gripped the edge of the sink, your knuckles turning as white as the porcelain beneath them, you were relieved to feel Gallant's arms wrapping around your waist. His head dropped to the junction between your neck and shoulder, releasing a shuddering breath. You both stood there for a few minutes, letting the pitter-patter of the shower stream against the tiles sooth you.

18 Months -- Michael Langdon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now