Chapter Nine

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It took less than a week for Jeff and Mutt to get Ms.Mead's prototype up and running. You stood slightly behind Michael in the brother's lab, looking between the two of them and the body on the table, with intense scrutiny. You had never met Miriam Mead, but boy had you heard of her. You were a little worried about her coming back, and as a robot no less. However, you knew that her return to was going to help Michael, so you kept your worries to yourself.

"240 terabytes of memory with over 11,000 processor cores. She could crush Watson at Jeopardy, and kick the asses of every roided actor in the Expendables franchise." You stared at Mutt with raised eyebrows, while Jeff chuckled at his words.

"She's amazing," Michael whispered in astonishment, walking closer to the table to stare down at the new Ms.Mead. "Why is she so cold?" You could hear the concern in his voice, as he looked up at Mutt for an explanation.

"Oh, that'll change with the flip of her 'on' switch," he explained, clasping his hands behind his back.

"She's got a nanowire-based, lithium, ion battery; basically, the Energizer Bunny's wet dream. We fire her up, and she goes on forever," Jeff said, a slight smile playing at his lips. He leaned on the table slightly, searching Michael's face for any sign of praise.

"Just don't tell her she's a biochemical humanoid," Mutt added quickly, causing you all to look over at him. "At least, not at first. You'll send her into the motherload of all existential crises. She could end up killing herself, maybe others. Seriously, I've seen it happen. Not worth the headache." Both Jeff and Mutt released nervous chuckles.

"Well, that's fucking fantastic." Michael shot you sharp look over his shoulder, and you bit the inside of your cheek to retain any further commentary.

Jeff and Mutt shared an awkward looking with one another, before Mutt broke the sudden silence. "And now... Kineros Robotics proudly presents... the Battle Ax- Miriam Mead 2.0." Mutt corrected himself with remarkable speed, while Jeff turned towards the computer, pressing a few buttons. "Now, don't expect her to be her old-self right away. It's gonna take her time. She needs to learn from you, build a rapport. Like any relationship." Mutt looked to you briefly, before parts of Miriam's body began to move. Slowly, her toes wiggled to life, followed by her fingers, with the unmistakable sound of robotic, technical machinery echoing in the room.

Before you knew it, Ms. Mead's blue eyes were blinking open, looking in every direction. As soon as she recognized Michael, she was sitting up on the table with shocking ease, staring at him with a smile. "How I've missed you, Michael."


After Ms. Mead and Michael had reunited (a moment full of tears and questions), you were being dismissed by the brothers- not wanting Ms. Mead to start questioning her surroundings. You all got into Michael's Porsche, with you taking isolation in the backseat. You understood Michael's excitement, and need to be close to Miriam, but you couldn't help the uncomfortableness that washed over you while you sat alone. It took a few hours to return to Ms. Mead's house in the Los Angeles, and during that time, you spoiled yourself with a well-deserved nap. Only when the engine of the car was shutting off, and a strong pair of arms were wrapping around you, did you stir from your slumber.

"Come on, gorgeous," Michael murmured softly, lifting you into his arms.

"Ugh, fuck. Put me down," you grumbled, struggling in his hold. You weren't a huge fan of being picked up, due to a past experience with your father. But, you didn't find yourself resisting Michael as much as you did with other people who tried to pick you up.

"How can you be so stubborn, seconds after waking up?" Michael huffed, gripping you tightly as you elbowed his chest. Ms. Mead looked at the two of you with a raised brow, a slight smile playing on her lips.

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