Chapter Ten

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Black, structured walls loomed over you, casting you in an eerie shadow. Your boots stomped into the dry grass below, carving out the path Michael had set. "Are you sure this is necessary?" you questioned, running the palm of your hand over a wall as you passed it.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" Michael turned his head briefly, giving you a quick once over, before turning a corner.

"I don't know. I mean, Behold and John Henry I understand, but why the others? What did the boys ever do to you?"

"Does there ever need to be an excuse to destroy a group of prepubescent boys?" Ms. Mead grumbled from behind you. You ignored her statement with a roll of your eyes, jogging ahead a little in order to come to Michael's side.

"You didn't have to endure their stupidity for months, (Y/N). Their ridicule, mockery, and snide comments about you- I can't let that stand," Michael huffed, as the three of you came to a familiar door.

"What comments about me? Why does that matter?" you groaned.

Michael entered the code that would allow you access, before turning to you. "It matters, because it was unacceptable. Having to hear them lust after you, hear their thoughts on what they wanted to do to you- 'the enemy's daughter'. What they fantasized about at night, with their hands wrapped around their cocks. It was unbearable, fox, and now I'm going to show them who you really belong to."

"Uhm, no, you're not, Romeo," you scoffed, following Michael inside the compound, and then into the elevator. "I'm not your property, and we weren't even together when all that happened."

Instantly, Michael had you pressed against the elevator wall, Ms. Mead rolling her eyes in the corner. "It's not about who you belong to, babe. It's their blatant disrespect for me. They will-"

"I will bite you, if you don't back up," you growled, cutting Michael off with a glare. He blinked down at you in offense, before slowly removing his arms.

"I don't care if you follow me for this. But I will make them pay, all of them." The elevator doors opened silently, revealing the lobby of Hawthorne.

"Don't get all fascist on me, Langdon. I'll follow you anywhere, we've been over this. But I'm going to tell you how I feel about it." You stuck your nose up at him, pressing against his shoulder so you could walk out of the elevator ahead of him. "Now, hurry up. I want to get ice cream at McConnell's before it closes."

"You two are unbelievable," Ms. Mead groaned in annoyance, while following you and Michael down the hall. The orange flames of the fire basked the lobby in a warm glow, bringing an unsuspected smile to your face as memories came flooding back.

But, that smile quickly vanished when Michael took two long strides ahead of you. "I know where to go, follow me," he ordered, causing you to roll your eyes, and silent mock his words.

Regardless, you did as Michael asked, and followed him through the lobby. At the end of a hallway, Michael opened up a pair of wooden doors, revealing the Hawthorne library, filled to the brim with teenage boys. The boys stopped their mingling at the sound of the doors opening, all turning to see Michael, Mead, and yourself walking in. Their eyes widened and gasps filled the room, two figures instantly standing from the couch they had been seated on.

"Ms. Mead," Michael spoke, keeping his eyes trained on the boys before him, "go hunt down any stragglers. (Y/N) and I will take care of these ones." Mead nodded at Michael's command, turned on her heel, and left the room, slamming the doors behind her.

"Michael, where have you been?" One of the boys asked, taking a hesitant step forward.

"That's none of your concern, David. You all betrayed me." Michael left your side to walk around the room, eyeing each of the boys carefully. You could practically smell the anxious sweat dripping from their foreheads. The only one with any amount of composure was Behold, who stood there with a clenched jaw.

18 Months -- Michael Langdon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now