[7] the satanists

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"YOU GOT..." Molly trailed off, leaning over the board to inspect the dice she had just tossed forward. "Five."

"You're cheating!" Michael protested frustratedly, pointing his index finger against the glass pane of his mirror, still unable to cross through it.

"I have God on my side," she smirked sassily, taking the small metal car he had claimed was his piece and moving it forward five places, landing straight on the 'Go to Jail' section. She let out a sympathetic 'awe', pretending to feel sorry for him. "Hard luck, Michael!"

She lifted his little car straight across the board and settled it onto the 'Jail' picture.

The two had taken to playing Monopoly on a particularly extended dream session, to pass the time if nothing else. But as Michael was unable to cross into her room, and Molly wouldn't trust him enough to go to his, the game was mainly played by herself, who would move the pieces for him according to his direction.

"I can't even see the dice! How am I supposed to believe you!" He continued angrily, throwing his hands into the air like a child before crossing them over his chest.

"I think lying goes against my entire existence," she rolled her eyes in amusement. This wasn't the first of his flip-outs since their game started. Little did he know, that Molly had been playing the game with the girls at the academy since she arrived at the age of six. She wasn't only experienced, but a master.

To her surprise, Michael admitted he had never played it. His grandmother believed she was too old to engage in 'silly games'.

"I'm not playing any more," he huffed, looking away from the mirror.

"Oh, come on!" She whined, shuffling forward with a chuckle and shoving the board to the side. "But I'm winning!"

"Only because you're cheating!" He shouted back stubbornly, eyebrows furrowed and eyes narrowed at her.

"You know, for the antichrist you really are a giant child," she shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well I'm legally eight, so that's no surprise," he scoffed.

"Oh my god," she gasped quietly, suddenly interested in his ramblings. "You're eight?"

"Yeah, but I've been aged by my experiences," he nodded seriously, and Molly stifled a chuckle. It suddenly all began to make sense to her.

"But I'm eight!" She revealed, an undertone of excitement in her voice. His aloof demeanour faltered slightly.

"Really?" He asked, visibly relaxing. "So it happened to you as well?"

"Yeah, I guess," she nodded, "one day I was seven. The next, I wake up and I look about a decade older."

"That happened to me too," his eyes were curiously wide, regarding upon her closely as if inspecting to see if she still held any childish qualities. "My grandma got quite the scare."

gold dust woman | MICHAEL LANGDONWhere stories live. Discover now