Chapter 1:No Quirk,No Life

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"Izuku,it's time for the check-up for your quirk!",A certain green haired woman announced.

Right after Inko called,Izuku came downstairs holding his All Might figurine and a smile worth of the entire japanese economy.


"I can't wait for my quirk,no matter what it is I will become like All Might and become a great hero!"Izuku stated as he was waiting for their turn.

30 minutes later...

"Sorry kiddo,it's not gonna happen",The doctor informed.

Izuku's face turned pale as he dropped his figurine.

"What do you mean?",Inko asked

"I mean he is not going to have a quirk",The doctor meant.

"As quirks get more common,quirkless discrimination has been in an all time high,I can't lie to the paper saying he has one,or else I'll be behind bars,both of you should leave right now and travel as far away from here,I'll release the papers later at 9:00 pm,when I am leaving this place,It's currently 5:32 p.m right now,should be enough for you two to move out before the authorities will invade your home and take your son away",He warned.

The Midoriyas were stunned,Inko was not ready to have the officials take her son away and never see him again,while Izuku was never expecting to hear that not only his chances of being a hero is now virtually zero,but he is facing death at the age of 4.

"Let's go now Izuku,as long as we move out,it will be okay",Inko said,she was desperately trying to assure Izuku.

But it was not okay.

Three and a half hours later...

The Midoriya Residence,9:10 pm

The apartment was messy,obviously because of the hurry,all of their belongings were now packed,as Inko opened the door,she saw 4 heroes standing in the doorway,blocking the exit.

Pro hero 1:Sharker(very corny name I know)

Quirk:Shark Jaw

His sharky looking jaw has enough strength to easily break hard materials like steel,ice,and and bones.

Pro hero 2:Bright Eyes


He can release an extremely bright explosion of light to temporarily blind his enemies from his eyes.

Pro hero 3:Crystal Gem

Quirk:Crystal Armor

She can release whole crystals from her body to use as armor or weapon

Pro hero 4:Candler


He can melt solids completely in 30 seconds.

Inko immediately jumped back and made a fighting stance.

"Izuku,sweetheart,please do me a one last favor.",Inko said with tears leaking out.

"When my quirk is used on them,take your bag and run away as fast as possible from here",Inko whispered.

"B-But W-What about you,mom?",Izuku asked.

Then it hit him like a brick.He realized that his mother would not make it out alive and sacrificing herself for him.He wanted to cry as hard as he can,but he wanted to keep it in for later,for his mother's sake.

20 Throwing knives suddenly came out of Inko's bag,and quickly flew to the heroes,Sharker was directly hit with 3 throwing knives in his stomach,Bright Eyes is dodged 4 knives but one directly hit him in his left eye,Crystal Gem blocked 5 knives with her crystal armor but one ripped her right cheek,Grey dust used sacrificed his left hand to the remaining 9.

Izuku grabbed his bag and ran as soon as this happens,what seems to be 5 minutes of running,Izuku ran into a dark alleyway and started to catch his breath,After a minute of heavy breathing,Izuku heard a loud door open from behind and a masked figure carrying a large full sack running away,Izuku took this opportunity to enter the robbed apartment and barricade himself.

Inko POV:

This is bad,I can barely stand anymore,feels like I am on the verge of death,but i have to keep fighting,It is one last thing I can do for Izuku!.

One last attack,for him...

All items in my apartment started floating,then it starts spinning around me,then they again dashed to the heroes.

My vision starts to blur...

Then an image of a happy Izuku flashes to my eyes...

Thank you Izuku,You and Hisashi made me became the happiest mother in the world,"I said as everything turns to black.


If you are reading this,congratulations for supporting my first fanfic!

Next chapter will be out this weekend.

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