Chapter 3:The "Fateful"Meeting"

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10 years since the Midoriya Incident,the boy named "Izuku Midoriya" is now declared dead,little did anyone know,the boy is still alive and well,just under a new name.

"Now that you brats are now in the third year,it's time for you to actually decide about your future,but I assume that you are all going for the hero path.",The homeroom teacher said.

That word disgusted Izuku.  

The class was screaming and showing off their quirks.

"Pfft,Don't put me in the same group as these extras,because I am going to UA and leave this shitty school.",A certain spiky ash blond said.

"Fuck off,Bakugo!",yelled some of the students.

"Yeah,don't call us extras you overconfident piece of shit!",yelled another group of students.

"Oh yeah,Bakugo actually applied to UA,wait,Maruki,you're applying too?",Asked the teacher.

The autistic screaming stopped and started laughing at Izuku,followed by an explosion,Izuku was knocked back near the back wall of the classroom.

"W-What did I D-Do?,I have a decent quirk and grades to apply!",Izuku asked.

"What is this,Deko?,having the balls to fucking enter that school coming from someone as worthless as you?",Bakugo said.

Deko,a short name of Defenseless Mako.

Class continued laughing,even the teacher was chuckling,this all started when he admitted that it is his quirk was dormant during his kindergarten days,taking place a few weeks after the death of the Midoriyas,during his "first day" of him attending the school,this lead all the other kids to beat him up without any repercussions,mainly Bakugo,this type of thing has happened for the past 10 years daily.

"Don't even try,even if you actually use that for the second time in your whole life,do think it is going to be enough to get in?",Bakugo said,trying to" bring Izuku into reality".

A Few Hours Later....

Izuku was placing his notebooks in the bag,but when he is about to put his "Hero Analysis For The Future No.13"Notebook,one of Bakugo's "Friends" grabs his notebook,and hands it to Bakugo,he tries open one of the pages and immediately makes the"Bitch What the fuck"Face.

"Excuse me what the fuck is this notebook,Deko?",A very angery Bakugo asked.

"Uhh,I-It's my detailed description on every hero I have seen.",Izuku answered.

"Pfft,You think this can actually get you into UA?",Bakugo asked again.

Of Course not,you fuckwit,It's for my next possible targets to get quirks from.

Then Bakugo scorches it with his quirk,and throws it out the window.

Izuku screams and looks out from the window,only to see it floating in a fountain with small fishes eating it.

"Hey,here's how to get a better quirk,throw yourself out of the window and hope to get a better quirk in the next life.",Bakugo jokingly advised.

Izuku was angry,he made a death stare at Bakugo like he was an actual villain.

Bakugo made a grin and made small explosions in his hand,"Got a problem,shitnerd?",He said,but inside he was terrified as fuck and probably not gonna sleep tonight.

Izuku looked terrified,no matter what kind of shit he went through,that grin somehow still scares him.

"Good,I thought I have to do another beating again",Bakugo said,and started laughing as he and his "friends" went away.

A few minutes later...

Deku POV:

I was angry as fuck,that fucking dick actually somehow had the balls to say that shit to another person,good thing I had discovered that thing or I might have actually done it.

I looked my scorched and wet notebook,still preserving the role of fish food to them.

I picked it up and went back to my home.


I went inside a dark tunnel,knowing the odds of a villain is common,I prepared myself and went in.

"Oh looks like you're a pretty good vessel",A voice from the back said.

I looked back,to see a green moving sludge.

I ain't got no time for this shit.

I ran as fast as I can to the exit,he quickly tries to catch me but phases through me.

Good thing this I had got this quirk from that Tintin looking kid.

"Wait what the fuck just happened",he said.

I have to deal with this bitch after dealing with Bakugo.

I turned around and used Whirlwind,Combined with Demon Rush.

The shit-looking fuck spontaneously explodes into smaller pieces of liquid.

Seems that he explodes when the enough force is applied.

"I AM HE-what?",A muscular looking figure said.

I looked at him and my eyes widened.

With that shape and voice,There is no doubt it's him.

"ALL MIGHT!",I shouted

Even that he is from the same group that killed my mother,I still idolized him all this time,becuase without him,these "heroes"would not exist.


"Sorry kid,being a hero is busy work!",He said.

All Might then jumped up as high as the clouds.

All Might POV:

Shit,I'm running out of time,better give this villain to the police as fast as possible.

I heard muffled screaming near below me.

I looked down to my leg,It's that kid from earlier,I need to land on a building.

I found one,I landed there safely.

"You should not have done that,kid,please don't do that again.",I scolded.

I was about to jump,then he spoke again,in a much more serious tone.

"I have only one question to ask you,All Might.",The boy said.

I decided to listen,hoping that I still have enough time to make it through.

"Why are the quirkless discriminated this badly?",He asked.


Chapter 3 is done boi!This is the longest chapter I have done in my entire career so far.

The next 2 Chapters will be released this weekend,after that,the next next 2 chapters will we released this weekend.

Starting from December 15,I will be more active on making more chapters.

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