Tom Holland - from dream to reality - Introduction

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Loving someone who doesn't love you back, is like hugging a cactus // the tighter you hug the more it hurts...

Background information:
So, you live in London, you live in the same street as the boy you went to the same school with from since you were little till one as Tom. Not just Tom, but Tom Holland. You were friends since the first day you two met. You both were there for each other in dark and in bright times. You have laughed together, cried together, were angry together you two did everything together. You were like brother and sister. As you got older, the both of you started to get feelings for each other, but you both didn't want to confess because you both were scared to ruin your friendship.
When you two went to middle school Tom told you about his feelings, and so you did the same. You got your first boyfriend.
So that means you are together for a pretty long time.
Under while Tom started acting. You have a job at dominos. Whenever Tom can he visits you when you're working.
Tom is 22, you are 21. How came you may ask that you both got in the same class? Well, you skipped a class.

From dream to reality (16+) Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now