#2 Tom Holland - from dream to reality

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Loving someone who doesn't love you back, is like hugging a cactus // the tighter you hug the more it hurts...

17 years ago (4 years old):

Tomorow you go to school, frist time second class of primary school. You don't look forward to it. You skip the first year... You think you won't make friends, you're scared they won't like you or hate you because you are one year younger then the others. 

The next morning you wake up. You get out of bed. You get dressed. You get down. Your mom already made your breakfast and lunch. You drink your milk and eat your bread. 
Mom: "the schoolbus is coming soon, hurry and brush your teeth."
You: "mom, I don't feel well..."
Mom: "I understand that you're scared, but you are going to school, now brush your teeth!"
You don't know what to say so you're going to the bathroom, you brush your teeth. You hear your mom screams: "y/n! the bus is here! You got to get here!" When you're there, you almost can't breathe because you ran so fast. Your mother stands there with your princess bag and princess jacket. (You hate it, you really hate princesses, when you grow up you want to become a pirate!) Mom helps you put on your jacket and puts your bag on your back. She gives you a kiss on your forhead, "good luck sprout!" You give a kiss back to your mom, you say goodbye and go to the bus. You greet the bus driver. You take a place. 

When the bus arrives at your school you get out. you look at your school, you look at the schoolyard and observe everything that happens. you see two girls jumping with a rope. a group kids playing hide and seek. Some boys playing cowboys and indians, you see some girls playing with barbies, some kids playing father and mother with a dog and a baby, you see some kids climbing a tree. You see a boy falling, you see a teacher walking across the square, wait, a boy fell, whahaha. Oh, but the teacher didn't saw it. You walk to the boy, you see his nose is bleeding and a hump on his head. You say: "Hi! I saw you fell, I am y/n! Let me help you?!"
He answered: no he didn't answer, he just cried... You help him stand. You say: "you need to bend your head forward and close your nose with your fingers." He does what you say. You say: "come, we go to the teacher." You take his hand and you two walk to the teacher. She asked what happened and you answer. You three walk inside, the teacher puts you two on a chair and get a icepack. When she comes back she says: "y/n, you handeld pretty good! good job!"

 The teacher helps the boy. When they are done it's already time to go to the class. The teacher walks ahead. You two follow her. The boy starts talking: "hey, thank you for helping me!"
you: "no problem, I hope you would do the same for me." you start blushing a little, he looks so sweet and kind. 
he: "of course!"
you: "but what's your name?"
he: "it's Tom, and yours?"
you: "I already told you, but you probably forgot, it's y/n"
he: "nice to already know someone!"
you: "yeah, I thought the same!" You feel like a tomato. 
he: "how old are you?" 
you: "I am 4 years old, and you?"
he: "I am 5 years old, but we are in the same class right?"
you: "yes, that's because I skip first class"
he: "oh haha, okay, cool, so you're smart?"
you: "hmmm, I don't think so."
You two arrive by the class. 

Teacher: "ah Tom and y/n could come too. We already made budy's, but I saw you two get along, so I think it isn't a problem for you if you two get budy's."

That day was the day the friendship between you two started! And you both didn't know what would happen in all the years coming spending together!


Tom, you're that "nothing" when people ask me what I am thinking about... 

From dream to reality (16+) Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now