#6 Tom Holland - from dream to reality

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Loving someone who doesn't love you back, is like hugging a cactus // the tighter you hug the more it hurts...

15 years ago (6 years old):

Your mom told you that you two are going on a vacation. This whole summer vacation. You will be going to Scandinavia. She told you that you have to tell Tom, because he has planned a lot for you two to do. But you don't want to, you would love to stay here. You like Scandinavia, but you would love to stay here to... But maybe it's better to tell him today, instead of like 1 day before you go on vacation. 

Mom: "y/n, it's time to go to school! Don't forget to tell Tom!" 
You: "maybe!"
Mom: "you have to! just tell him!?"

The bus arrives so you get to school. You arrive, you search for Tom. Maybe it is better to tell him now. I will tell him! You see Tom on the other side, standing by the door. He is talking to a friend. You didn't made any friends this year, but Tom has some awesome friends. 

You: "hi Tom!"
Tom: "hi y/n"
You: "hi, can I talk to you for a moment?"
Tom: "yeah sure"
You two walk away and search for a peaceful place. 
You: "Tom I need to tell you something..."
Tom: "I need to tell you something too! I can't wait for summer vacation! We could go feed the animals in the park! Maybe we could go to the zoo!"
You: "Tom, before we make plans I need to tell you something"
Tom: "we could go to the beach and built sandcastles!"
The bell rings. You two are frozen looking at each other. 
You: "I am sorry that I didn't told you Tom..."
Tom: "it's okay, I think the bell rang, I am going inside."
You: "yeah me too"

You haven't seen Tom since you told him. You are scared he doesn't want to be friends with you anymore. Maybe you shouldn't have told him.. 

School went so slow. Time was going so slow. You really wanted the day to end. You need to find Tom.

After school Tom stands right in front of your class, he is waiting there for you. 
Tom: "hey, I think we need to talk"
You: "yeah, where do you want to talk?"
Tom: "should we go to my or your house?"
You: "I think it's better if we go to mine."
Tom: "alright"

You got home. Tom and you talked. He was just shocked and didn't know what to do or say. But he still wants to be friends. He doesn't care if your away the whole summer vacation. He is just a little bit sad that he couldn't spent time with you. You promised him to spent enough time to let him be happy. 


Dear Tom Holland, please call an ambulance! Your hotness is killing me...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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From dream to reality (16+) Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now