#4 Tom Holland - from dream to reality

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Loving someone who doesn't love you back, is like hugging a cactus // the tighter you hug the more it hurts...

16 years ago (5 years old):

A new school year is about to start. You're pretty sad. The teachers decided that your even too smart for the year you were in, they want you to skip another class. That means you will be 2 years younger then most of your classmates... And it means your not with Tom in a class anymore. He was the only friend you made, but he was the best. You eat your breakfast. You get ready for school. Your mom asks if you are happy summer vacation is over. 
You: "no mom, I am scared, just like last year. I don't understand why I have to skip another class." 
Mom: "it's because you're so smart!"
You: "but what if I don't want to be that smart?"
Mom: "but you are so please use it for the good?!"
You: "but I don't want to make new friends."
Mom: I'm sorry sweety, you will be fine, I promise! now get outside."
You put on year jacket and grab your backpack, still the backpack you hate...

You step out the schoolbus. You look at the square for your best friend, but you can't find him, he probably isn't here yet. You get inside the school because you don't want to wait outside for Tom. You already head to your class. You see your new teacher, so you introduce yourself. You ask where you're going to sit. She points out to a chair in front of the class. 
Teacher: "I thought it would be good as you're so young to get you close to me so if anything happens you could get fast to me." 
You: "ah thank you!"
The school bell rings and the class is getting filled up. A boy takes a seat on your right side. He presents himself as: "Logan" (as in Logan Paul). 
You: "pleasure to meet you Logan. I am y/n"
He: "nice too meet you too" 

As the day pass you're getting a little scared by Logan. Everytime the teacher asks a question and you answer it he pokes you, and how longer the day is how harder he pokes you. 
He starts calling you names. He get some other boys too with him to call you names. In the break they even searched for me and ran after we where ever I went to. Till I got to Tom. They then turned around. 
You: "Tom, I am so scared for them..."
Tom: "I am here for you."
You: "I know, thank you!"

The bell rings, brake is over... 
You: "see you after school!"
Tom: "see you!"

Lessons go ahead. You paint. You have music with the whole class. Have another brake to play outside but this time only with your class. Then you go back to your class. And after that school should end. Only 5 more minutes! when you get back in class after break. There is a little note on your table. 
It says:

After school, 16:00, you, me, on the street. 
Come if you aren't a chicken!

You're scared. You know it's from Paul. Who else would could it be?
And you're scared because you are all alone. 

The 5 minutes go so fast. The bell already rings... 
You get as fast as possible out the school. You grab your jacket and bag on your way out. In a flash you see you pass Tom, But you can't wait till he is ready because you're so scared. 

Tom's pov:

I see y/n pass. She runs so fast. Like she didn't saw me standing there. And she looked a little bit scared. 

I grab my jacket as fast as possible, grab my bag. I run as fast as I can with my little legs. Trying to catch up with her, but she's so fast. As fast as I got out the school I see that boy again, he holds y/n's hand. How does he even dare! Steam almost coming out of his head.

Paul stands right in front of you. He holds your arm. When you try to get away he holds it stronger. And that is logical because he is 2 years older. 
Wait, did he really just hit me with his hand?
You see his hand coming again. You turn your head away. As you do that you see Tom standing there, mouth and eyes wide open. Paul's hand misses you. You see Tom running away. 
Is he scared of Paul? Aren't we friends anymore? Does he hate me? I don't know...
Paul grabs you bag opens it and puts it upside down. All your stuff is on the ground. He throws your bag on it. 
Paul: "grab your stuff"
You do what he says. You get on your knees. You grab all your stuff and you put it all in your bag. As you try to get up he pushes you. You fall down. You lay on the ground. He is getting ready to punch you. 
Teacher: "STOP!"
You look up, you see the teacher. Behind her stands Tom. Your heart skips a beat. He is still there for you if you need him! You start to blush. 

The teacher puls Paul away. She says: "y/n, go get home, we will talk about this tomorrow. Tom can you take her with you?"

Tom walks you to your house. When you stand by the door Tom turns around.
You: "Tom wait! Since you saved me, come inside?!"
Tom: "I don't know..."
You: "please? My mom wants to see you" that wasn't a lie. She really does, but she didn't told you. So you didn't know she wanted to see Tom. 
You: "please?! I want to do something back for you!"
Tom: "alright." You start to blush. 

As you got inside, got yourself and Tom a drink you tell your mom what happened. 
Mom: "what?! how does he dare! You're only 5 years old! And he is & right? what the..." 
You: "yes"
Mom: "you're so lucky with Tom! Maybe you should have stayed in your own class."


Every spider-man needs a spider-woman if you know what I mean

From dream to reality (16+) Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now