#5 Tom Holland - from dream to reality

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Loving someone who doesn't love you back, is like hugging a cactus // the tighter you hug the more it hurts...

9 months ago

F*ck, my period still haven't come, maybe I should get a pregnancy test... Should I tell Tom too?No, he left you like that, he doesn't deserve it. Maybe I will once tell him. Or I should tell him if I am, I mean, he helpt me get in my house. I don't know. 

You get to the store to get a pregnancy test. It's so awkward, but you have to know it. You get to your house as fast as possible. You go to the toilet. But then the bell rings... Sh*t! You walk to the door, you open the door. There are your grandmother (gm) and grandfather (gf). 
You: "hey! long time no see!" It has been like more then a year that you haven't seen them. 
Gm: "hey honey! you look good! it's been a while!"
Gf: "we were close by so we thought we would come to see you!"
You: "ah, come get inside! Want to drink something?"
You open the door, get there jackets. You get to the kitchen and you make some coffee and tea. Your grandparents take a seat on the sova. You give them there drink and put some cookies on the table. 
Gm: "how have you been?"
You: "I am doing fine, but how are you?"
Gf: "we are doing great! we are going on a vacation soon!"
You: "that's sweet! where are you going?"
Gm: "we are going on a cruise, so we are going everywhere"
You: "wow, that's awesome!"
Gf: "and how is it going with your boyfriend?"
You: "what boyfriend?"
Gm: "don't act so weird, Tom, how is Tom doing?"
You: "we have broken up..."
Gm: "really? I am so sorry for you! There are more fish in the sea!"
Gf: "or maybe you should still love him, look what it brought us!"
You: "we will see... it's just so hard to understand."

Your parents have stopped talking about Tom and love. Time flies by and they want to go home. You get them their jackets. You wave them goodbye. You wish them good luck and fun on their cruise. When they are gone you clean everything up. You finally you can go to the bathroom. You do the test. You wait and wait. For your feeling it takes a long time before you see if you're pregnant or not. Or not. You hope so much that you aren't pregnant. You can see if you're pregnant or not. Pregnant. Or not. Pregnant. F*ck. Pregnant. Sh8t sh*t sh*t... 

Are you going to tell Tom? You have the same feeling as when you had to tell tom that your were going away the whole summer vacation. You didn't wanted to miss Tom that long, but you had to tell him. You didn't wanted to.


Tom, are you a time traveller? Because I can see you in my future!

From dream to reality (16+) Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now