Varchie Vacation part 1

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Author's Note
This takes place if Varchie and Bughead went on Vacation.


Today was the last day before spring break and I can't wait because this year instead of going with my family I am going with Archie and my friends. We are going to Oahu, Hawaii and I am so excited to see Archie in the swim trunks I got him.

As I pack my bag for school, I look at the clock and see I only have 20 minutes to get to school. As I run outside I feel 2 strong arms wrap around me. I turn around and slap them, but once I get a better look I realize it was Archie.

V- I am so sorry baby

I grab his chin and look at the hand mark I left.

A- Its ok baby, If anyone asks I will just say you don't mess with Veronica Lodge
V- Baby I thought you were someone else, I am so sorry
A- Don't be sorry I am just glad my girl knows how to protect herself

I grab him and kiss him and he kisses back right away.

V- Well baby I guess I will make it up to you in Hawaii
A- You can make it up to me if you go surfing with me

I frown then smile. The thought of him and I on the same board working together for the same end goal. Also the Goofy smile he has right now is too cute to say no too.

V- Fine we can talk about it once we are there

He grabs me and kisses me.

We are now at the Airport. Betty and Jughead have a later flight so it is just me and Archie. I am leaning against his chest while he reads his history book. He is so cute with his glasses and beanie.

I grab his book and kiss him.

A- Well looks like I am done with History now onto Chemistry
V- Baby you are so cheesy
A- But you love me
V- Datable

He frowns but I kiss him, once I pull away he has his goofy smile on again. Then we hear our flight being called so we walk hand in hand into the plane. We get to our seats they are coach. I have never sat in coach before it's nice though because I am with Archie.

The plane has just taken off, and I am leaning against Archie we are both watching The Devil Wears Prada. 30 minutes into the movie Archie has fallen asleep on my head and then I start to fall asleep too.

I wake up to Archie kissing me.

A- Hey Baby the plane is going to land in 5 minutes.
V- How long have you been up?
A- I have been up for an hour.
V- What have you been doing?
A- Watching you sleep, and eating all your snacks

I wack him in the chest.

A- Hey you slept on my chest for 6 hours
V- Fine we are even
V- please tell me you saved me some gummies and chocolates
A- Of course babe I am not a monster
V- Yay

He hands me the bag and there are only 5 chocolates left and the whole bag of gummies left.

V- Archiekins how come you eat chocolate candy and don't drink chocolate milkshakes
A- You can't beat a Strawberry milkshake

We start kissing then the flight attendant comes and tells us to put are seat belts on because we are starting our final descent.

We land and go to baggage claim and grab our suitcase. Archie holds mine and his, while we go get our rental car.

Of course Archie being Archie got a pickup truck and even better its red. We drive to the house we are staying at, it is so beautiful. It is right on the beach, and even better it has a hot tub.

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