Irish Man

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Archie is from Ireland and is taking Veronica there to meet some of his family and old friends.

They are on the plane right now only two hours in with too many hours to go. Veronica was using Archie at a cushion while watching a Star is Born.

Every time Archie sees a tear in Veronica's eyes he try's to make her feel better and kiss them away. Which makes her smile.

An hour later Archie has dosed off and is resting his head on top of Veronica's lap. She finds it very soothing to rub her fingers through his red smooth hair. She hopes that their kids will have red hair like him.

She then pulls out the menu in the seat in front of them. Thanks god Archie job is good enough that they can travel in first class.

Veronica looks through the menu and orders Red wine. Once the wine gets to her Archie is still sleeping on her lap so she can't bring the tray down. She also does not want to wake him since he looks so cute. So she decides that she will just hold it.

30 minutes later she is still not done with her Red wine but Archie is waking up. He gets up and sees the red wine and smirks.

While she is not looking he drinks the rest of her wine. She then goes to take a sip and finds it empty.

V- Archibald
A- Sorry Baby I am Irish and we like to drink so get used to it.

He kissed her and then rests his head on her lap again.

V- Really Archie you are going to lay your head on my lap after drinking all my wine.
A- Don't worry Ronnie I'll make it up to you once we get there.

After saying that Archie falls asleep. Once Archie is asleep Veronica just rubs his hair and then she finds her self falling asleep too.

Veronica wakes up too the captain say there is five minutes until they land. She is really happy. She gets so excited that she forgets Archie is sleeping on her lap and hits him in the face. He then pops right up with his messy red hair.

A- What was that for?
V- We have 5 more minutes so I got excited and by accidentally hit you.

She says holding his face in her hands and rubbing where she hit. She then leans in and kisses him.

The plane finally lands and Archie and Veronica we're heading to the rental car place. As they got there Archie kept walking away holding his bags and Veronica's.

V- Arch you passed it.
A- We are not going there.

He keeps walking with Veronica behind. They walk until they get to this awesome red ford bronco. Archie opens the trunk and puts the bags inside and Veronica just stands there confused.

V- Is this yours.
A- Yes.
V- When did you get this.
A- Didn't I tell you I used to live here.
V- Yes but you left when you were five. So you could not have bought a car.
A- Well I might not have mentioned that I was raised in a castle.
V- What!

He smiled and walked over to her. He then wrapped his arms around he and carried her to the car. Once there he put her in. He was then in the car driving to his family home.

A- So Baby what do you want to do first
V- Meet your family.
A- Ok

They then arrived at the castle. A butler took there bags to their room and Archie and Veronica walked hand and hand into the castle.

They are greeted with Archie's grandparents and his cousin Derek. They talk till it's dinner time.

Archie takes Veronica's hand and walks outside.

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