Bath Time

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Kind of a continuation of bowling.

A few days after bowling Veronica was making Archie's bed after the fun they had in it last night. Right as Veronica finished she felt Archie wrap his arms tightly around her.

A- Hey Babe when are you going to fulfill your promise to me.
V- How about tonight.
A- That sounds great.

Archie let's her go and then pushes her on the bed and starts hovering over her.

V- Archie we cant we have school.
A- who cares?
V- I do and you should too.
A- Why?
V- Because I am not marrying you if you don't go to college.
A- How do you know we are even going to be together in the future?
V- Well we are endgame and also I know you want to marry me because you sleep talk.
A- Your right, I am going to marry you. I would be stupid if I didn't marry the most amazing and sexy girl in my world.
V- Aw Archiekins that was so sweet but we are still going to school.

Veronica says pushing off Archie from being on top of her. As she gets up she grabs her bag and turns around to still see Archie laying in bed.

V- You are going to school with me or no bath.
A- But you promised
V- Yah but think about it like this if you go to school you will get a good job and be able to afford a big bath for you and me in the future.

On that note Archie hopped right up and grabbed his bag and then her hand. They walked to school hand in hand. Right before they were about to separate and head to class Veronica looks over at Archie.

V- So you have Football practice right?
A- Yes.
V- Well we will meet at my locker and then head to my house.
A- That sounds great Ronnie.

Archie leans in and kisses Veronica on the lips and then head off to his class.

After Football Archie b-lined for Veronica's locker. Once he got there he saw her looking on her phone facing away from him. So Archie decided to scare her. He ran up and wrapped his arms around her and then kissing her neck.

V- Someone's excited and smelly.

Veronica says turning around.

A- Well I thought it would be a waste of water to shower if we are going to be taking a bath later.
V- Well Archie we don't want the bath to be all gross.
A- Well it's going to be gross after I am done with you.
V- I don't care you need to take a shower and then you can go in the bath with me.
A- Fine.

Archie says in a defeated tone but smiles once Veronica grabs his hand and leads him to her house.

Once they are at her house Archie hopes that she forgets about the shower. So he walks to her bathroom and starts to turn it on. After he turns the bath on he takes off his shirt and pants hoping to get in the bath before she gets in the bathroom, but right as he is about to take off his underwear and hop in he feels a tiny hand wrap around his waist.

V- What do you think you are doing mister.
A- I am going to take a bath
V- No you first need to shower.

She says pulling him to the shower and turning it on. She looks back at Archie because he won't budge, so she decides to help him. So she walks closer to him and pulls down his boxers and catches him off guard to pull him into the shower. Before she can get away Archie wraps his arms around her and pulls her in with him.

V- Babe let go this dress is expensive and I need to turn off the bath.
A- Come on Ronnie you know you want to have some fun in the shower and then the bath.
V- Well we won't be having a bath if you don't let me go.

So Archie let's her go and she turns off the bath and starts to take off her slightly wet clothes. She turns around waiting for Archie to get into the bath but finds him right behind her. He is clean and very hot, she is so glad she can see everything.

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