u nonce

114 9 2

tbh i'm so done with gcse art like my teacher is honestly the shitist teacher there. she doesn't set homeworkers correctly, make a joke about my tremor(in my right hand i have a slight tremor) and doesn't help us with anything. yes i'm aware it's an independent study buT biTcH u need to teach us something before giving us projects. i have art everyday aside from tuesday and friday and honestly it's amazing.
k so like this crazy bitch is talking and doesn't realises she is waving a knife in my face. no joke i had to move my stool back a bit so she didn't like chop my nose off -,-
i'm so donE wiTH hEr AnD thE tHInG is EvERYbodY HaS mAdE cOMPLainTS

k that's all, i may have art up soon idk

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