Tag r so 2014

37 10 4

I was tagger by fellow rats Gayfromcali (mother possum) and thestxrsalign- (the long lost Schuyler sister)

I was tagger by fellow rats Gayfromcali (mother possum) and thestxrsalign- (the long lost Schuyler sister)

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1) Bit personal like but the same town I live in now

2) They always change but at the moment they green with a few brown freckles

3) Winter.. obviously

4) 29th Jan 04

5) I was in p4 and kissed a girl on accident

6) Tbh idk probs cheap perfume and shit 👌

7) I'm not sure, maybe that I'm sorta a nice person? Idk

8) My weight :// she be thiCC

9) I speak one language which is English but I was learning Gaelic Irish as a child, however, I now know shit all and can't understand any of it

10) hug I'm too shy

11) It's always changing, atm it's baby pink but I do enjoy a good red or green

12) Neither of the above lmao

13) Typing this as I watch my friend tie her lace :3


Only doing these

Bye now

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