Charlie x Vinnie hc

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This is what my head is up to at near 2am//

Before the relationship:

•They met in a supermarket freezer isle. Vinnie was getting ice cream and Charlie was buying frozen peas for his bruised knuckles.

• Charlie was a shy motherfucker and didn't ask for Vinnie's number. However, Vinnie was a bad bitch back then and just straight up gave him it.

•It took four days for Charles to text Vincent. Little did he know that Vin was patiently waiting for the tiger/wolf hybrid to contact him.

•When he did, Vinnie was at Dutch's house having a sleepover and screamed like a psychotic lesbian.

•They talked and met up for a good 5/6 months until Vinnie asked Charlie out.

Early stages into the relationship:

•The boy's first date was in a McDonald's because Vinnie's car broke down on the way to the restaurant. So, they ate in McDonald's in fancy clothing. And let me tell you- they owned that joint

•Vinnie was the first to meet the other's parent. Charlie brought him round one night to meet his mother, Virginia. The women was a little shocked when finding out that Vinnie was 21 whilst her son was 18- 3 years older then her baby boy.

•Turns out Vinnie and Virginia were literal soulmates. She loves having the shorter man over for dinner and a movie!

•They went on dates to ikea for fun

•They had their first smooch on Vinnie's bedroom floor when Charlie was helping Vin make his new bed from ikea.

•Charlie was a soft boy at heart even though he could literally throw anybody through a wall.

•Charlie was so scared to touch Vin after learning about what had happened in his past relationship..

Their relationship now:

•They still go on random dates to Ikea

•At age 20 Charlie moves from his little apartment into Vinnie's bigger one.

•They go on late night trips to get food. On the way back Vinnie is falling asleep.

•Charlie has to give Vinnie a piggyback as he refuses to move from the car seat.

•Vinnie hogs the bedsheets but Charlie doesn't mind as he hogs them right back

•Charlie is the small spoon whilst Vinnie is the big spoon

•Dutch is so damn jealous because she wants some lovin

•They ho down to pride together and have an amazing time. Vinnie is dressed in a rainbow dress and Charlie's mouth is literally watering..

•Going on a holiday to France to visit Vinnie's family, Charlie snores the whole way there. Vinnie doesn't sleep much yet does get done Pringles and fizzy drink in the plane.

•Vinnie isn't close with his parents and hasn't come out to them. Charlie is very supportive and 100% husbando material

•Things go rocky due to Vin's parents not understanding. However, their mother does confirm that both still love him despite him being gay.

•They return from their travel and are happy to be back in their home once again.

•Charlie receives an email one day which is from Vinnie.

•It's basically an email from Vinnie asking Charlie to marry him.

•Charlie looks up at Vinnie who is literally across the room.

•He says yes..

•Vinnie cries a little.

•So does Charlie

•'They are couple goals' according to Dutch who still complains she is lonely

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