Not art

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Little bit of positivity(?)before I go to bed~

So, I'm just laying here in my bed and it hit me. I've had people coming to me a lot recently to vent about their issues and it got me thinking.
Their problems are kinda like paper cuts, some smaller then others but all together they hurt like a bìtch :c
When it happens you may not even realise it's their until you uncover it, then it begins to get annoying, to sting. It begins to bother you. Now I may know what your thinking, 'wow u dumbaśs, they don't hurt that much'.. shut up I'm trying to make a point. Anyways,
What do you do, immediately plaster it once the wound is found, easy, yes? Now the plaster signifies that there is something wrong but people don't know the size of the cut since something is blocking it.
But if you washed the cut and let the air get out it, it will gradually begin to heal. Nothing will hurt forever and that plaster doesn't do shìt, well- it does help but it doesn't heal it. It's you who does the healing. It won't last, maybe leave a scar but that should be the least of your worries.

What I'm basically trying to say here is DONT cover up your problems! If you have one then dm me, I'm not gonna judge. Ask anyone who's spoken to me, I'm not like that as a person as I too have manyyy issues myself.

I know this is hella cringe but I just want to make it aware. I am here if you need me ❤️❤️

I wrote this while talking to a friend about the situation at the same time and I'm actually kinda proud of what I've said? Ik there will be a few who r like 'cringe' but honestly idc because in the end it actually helped my friend and I'm grateful of that

I hope you have a great day/night and thanks for reading all of this ❤️❤️

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