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Was tagged by my bitch ChatFraise

Was tagged by my bitch ChatFraise

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1)Kittens or puppies?
Puppies.. obviously

2)Favourite drink
I do enjoy a good bit of peach Fanta

Panny fannies all the way lads 🥵🥵🤭

4)Most embarrassing thing you've had happen to you?
Mh bro idk I have loads..

5)What are your hobbies?
Uh I like to draw, read and watch war movies


7)Single or taken?
Ummm we're on a break because reasons. They haven't done anything, it's just me being me ig :pp

8)Horribly describe yourself
Ginger thicky who is confused 24/7 n needs to sort it out

9)Stripper name?
Ughhh Clitasorous-Rex like a t-Rex because I'm scaly lmao

10)What is your brand?
Mh id say a collection of empty sweet wrappers, fogged up glasses, messy hair and bed, sloths, and yeAH suRE ohhhh n' also red hairdye

11)Ass cheeks clap every time you walk because u dummy thick?
Nope lmao I have no ass despite my thighs being THIQQ

12)Shaggy or Shrek?
Shaggy because I can relate heavily

13)The last picture in your gallery is what killed you

13)The last picture in your gallery is what killed you

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Joe Mazzello? Bitch I'm not complaining tf 😂😂😘

Idk who to tag soooo

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