1. night

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"Do you have the fake ID's?"

I rummaged through my bag, searching for the IDs my cousin made for us last month.

"Shit," I sighed. "I left them at the apartment."

Hunter kicked a rock off the sidewalk. "Ryder is waiting for us at the club already! He's probably gonna drink all the tequila!"

I laughed. "Calm down. We'll just go back to the apartment and get them. It'll be fine."

"Whatever," she grumbled, crossing her arms as we turned to go back.

New York City at night is something magical. The sky is dark but everything else is bursting with light. Girls in tight dresses run through the streets, carrying their heels and wreaking of alcohol. Street performers are scattered around, with throngs of people surrounding them.

My head was spinning from all the lights, when a muscular body hit my shoulder, snapping me out of my trance.

"What the fuck dude?" Hunter yelled at the man who ran into me. "Watch where you're going you little—hey, you're cute."

He blinked at Hunter, visually stunned, then turned his attention toward me. Running a hand through his dark, wavy hair, he asked, "Are you okay?"

I nodded, his green eyes smiling at me.

"Where you headed to, hot stuff?" Hunter cut in, linking her arm in his.

The side of his mouth quirked into a smile. "Who wants to know?"

"I'm Hunter. Your name is probably something sensual like Mason or Adrian." Even though her eyes are dark, they were practically gleaming.

He let out a short laugh. "I'm Austin." He turned his head toward me, raising his eyebrows.

"Veronica," I offered.

"Pretty," he breathed.

Hunter glanced back and forth between us before exclaiming, "Well anyways, Veronica and I were heading to Ralph's. You should come with."

"What's Ralph's?" Austin, who was already being dragged away by Hunter, asked.

Hunter gasped, but kept pulling. "Only the best diner in this overrated city."

I trotted after them. "But what about the fake—"

"They have the world's best chili cheese fries!" Hunter cooed, cutting me off.

I smiled. "Hunter's a little obsessed with chili cheese fries."

"Do not talk shit about my chili cheese fries. I will come for your family, Ver," she warned.

Our laughs echoed through the streets of New York City.

Five blocks later, we reached Ralph's. The bell above the door jingled as we entered, and took our seat at our favorite booth.

The waitress soon arrived, ready to take our order.

"What can I get for y'all?" she asked, popping the bubblegum in her mouth.

"Hey Monica," I smiled. "We'll take two cheeseburgers, three orders of chili cheese fries and three chocolate shakes."

"Coming right up." She winked.

"Oh shit," I groaned, once Monica left.

"What? Did you want mozzarella sticks, too?" Hunter's eyes were wide.

I shook my head. "Do you ever think about anything other than food?"

"Nope," she responded.

I rolled my eyes, "Dumbass, Ryder is still at the club."

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