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My eyes burst open, but closed instantly when the sunlight hit them. I rubbed at them, rolling over in my bed in an attempt to bury my head in my pillow, but my body was stopped by something hard next to me.


What is she doing in my bed?

I sat up, confused, but remembered everything when a throbbing pain shot to my head. I groaned.

What the hell happened last night?

I rolled out of my bed to get some water, but yelped when I stepped on Ryder, sleeping on the rug next to my bed.

Stumbling over him, I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. As I chugged it, a soft voice caught my attention. I peered around the corner, and smiled when I saw Austin sitting on my balcony, talking on his phone.

I made my way over to him, and once he saw me, he spoke, "I'll call you later," into his phone and hung up.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, as I sat down next to him, my temples tightening from the bright light of the sun.

"My head hurts, but I guess I'm fine." I sipped my water. "What happened after me and Hunter fought?"

He sighed, and raked a hand through his hair. "You both passed out. I asked Ryder, who was very drunk, where you lived, and he mumbled something about prisms, which, obviously made me think of The Prism. So I brought you guys here. The doorman had to help me bring you guys up."

My face was hot, but I laughed. "Albert is always a big help."

Austin nodded.

"Why didn't you go home?" I asked, propping my feet up on the patio table, but immediately taking them off when I noticed a hole in the toe of my sock.

He looked up at me. "I wanted to make sure you guys were okay. You had a bloody lip, and Hunter was all bruised up."

"I hope I didn't get blood on Ryder's car," I winced.

He sucked in a breath through his teeth. "You did."

I leaned my head back and groaned. "Fuck! He's going to kill me!"

"Who's going to kill you?" Hunter asked, poking her head out onto the balcony.

"Ryder," I murmured, my face in my hands.

She scoffed. "Typical. I'm making breakfast for everyone." She turned to leave. "I hope the new kid doesn't mind eggshells in his eggs!" she laughed from down the hall.

Austin's phone began buzzing in his lap. I tried to see who it was, but he picked it up too quick.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I have to take this."

"That's fine," I smiled. "I better go make sure Hunter doesn't burn my apartment down." I stood, and made my way to the kitchen to find Ryder yelling at Hunter.

"Do you really need to make that much noise? I'm trying to fucking sleep!"

"God, you must be deaf! I'm not making a single damn noise!" Hunter yelled, slamming the fridge door closed.

Ryder stared at her, then grabbed the pan and metal spatula from Hunter's grasp. "I don't get no sleep cuz of ya'll! Now ya'll ain't gonna get no sleep cuz of me!" he yelled, banging the pan and spatula together, marching around the kitchen like a maniac.

"Ryder!" I snapped, "Shut the fuck up! We have neighbors!"

"Were you quoting that vine?" Hunter asked.

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