The Letter

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Part 1 - First Year

"Hermione, Hermione!" Sloane screeched, running into her cousins room.
Sloane was holding a cream colored envelope, with green ink written on it. It was precisely addressed to her, it even said which room she lived in in her house. She turned it over to see a sticker sealing the envelop. It said Hogwarts on it.
"Well what are you waiting for? Open it," Hermione said eagerly. Sloane was about to tear open the letter when her aunt yelled,
"Hermione, something has come for you in the mail!" Hermione's eyes looked as though they would pop out of their sockets.
"Do you think...."
"Go get it!" Sloane encouraged as Hermione ran down the stairs like a lighting bolt.
She emerged from the door a few minutes later, holding the same envelope as Sloane.
"Look! I got one too!"
The girls decided to open the letters together, in which they read out loud in sync.

"Dear Ms. Granger,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress"

"How did I get one?" ask Hermione, truly confused.
"They must know that you're a smart cookie and would be an amazing witch," Sloane replied with a grin.

Sloane was a half-blood. Her father was a muggle, and her mother was a pure-blood. Hermione had both muggle parents, which meant her father and Sloane's father were brothers. Both being only children, Sloane and Hermione were more than cousins, they were sisters, best friends. Though Hermione was completely muggle, she still knew a little about Hogwarts, it was hard for Sloane to keep that from her best friend. But the fact that Hermione got accepted too was even better.

Closer to the date September 1, Hermione and Sloane went shopping for school supplies. Of course, Sloane's mother took them, because she knew what she was doing.

First they got their robes, then their books. Sloane got an owl, which she named Oliver.

The last thing to get were their wands. While entering Ollivander's, Sloane accidentally ran into a boy who was walking out. His skin was snow white, with slicked back platinum hair. His grey eyes squinted as he glared at her and said,
"Watch it."
Sloane looked back at the grump in disgust.
"What's his problem?" asked Hermione, equally disgusted.
"I couldn't tell ya," responded Sloane.

The boy was quickly forgotten as Hermione and Sloane quickly chose their wands. Well actually, the wands chose them.

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