Platform 9 3/4

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The day Sloane had been waiting for was finally there. She double checked to see if she had all her supplies, then hopped in the car to go pick up Hermione. Hermione, needing everything to be perfect, insisted they arrive for the train an hour early. Sloane, on the other hand, was the complete opposite, at least when it came to time. She would arrive no more than 5 minutes early, barley making it. The girls balanced each other out though, even if they didn't agree on everything. After some compromising, Sloane and Hermione agreed to arrive a half hour early.

Both with huge crates, they walked confidently as they received odd looks from Muggles.
"In their defense, I do have an owl in a crate with me..." Sloane stated, shrugging.
Sloane's mother had given them a pep talk on the car ride.
"You two will be amazing witches. Walk in there with confidence, show your skills and you will be fine. Remember, blood status does not matter, though some will argue other wise. And lastly, girl power!!"

The Granger's arrived at the brick wall between stations 9 and 10. Sloane's mother informed them what to do. Of course, Hermione went first, still worried they would be late. Sloane quickly followed.

The other side was amazing. A huge black and red train sat still, taking in Hogwarts students every second.

Hermione and Sloane found a room and put their things in the compartments above their heads. A few minutes later, a boy who looked like it was his first year as well entered.
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
The girls shook their heads no, they didn't mind.
"I'm Neville Longbottom by the way," he stated while putting his belongings in the last compartment.
"I'm Sloane Granger."
"And I'm Hermione Granger."
He gave them a confused look.
"No, cousins," both said in sync, and they laughed.
Many thought they were sisters, they did look alike. Sloane's hair was longer and straight, while Hermione's was a medium length and bushy. Besides the hair, both had brown eyes and similar skin tones, which made sense of why people thought they were sisters.
"Oh no!" they heard Neville scream about an hour into the train ride. "I lost my toad! I lost Trevor!"
And off the girls went right and Neville went left, looking for Trevor the toad. Hermione took the lead. She walked into a room with two boys, one with jet black hair, the other with fiery red.
"Has anyone seen a toad?" asked Hermione, clearly frustrated they hadn't found it yet.
"No," responded the red haired boy with a little attitude. He was holding up his wand, about to do a magic trick.
"Oh! You're doing magic," said Hermione, making herself comfortable. Sloane awkwardly looked through the door, making eye contact with the black haired boy. She gave a little smile and he returned it.
"Let's see it then."
The boy confidently lifted his wand, and said a nonsense spell that clearly didn't work.
Hermione started criticizing him, which clearly annoyed the boy.
Eventually, Hermione introduced herself.
"I'm Hermione Granger," she said confidently.
"And I'm Sloane Granger," Sloane awkwardly pitched in, still standing at the door.
The boys introduced themselves and both Sloane and Hermione were surprised to meet the Harry Potter.

At last they left, not before Hermione reminding the boys to put on their robes before they arrived. This clearly set off Ron, and Sloane gave them a helper smile before leaving. She loved Hermione, but she could be bossy at times.

At last, they arrived at Hogwarts!

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