The Distraction

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It was towards the end of the year. There were some arguments in Sloane's friend group (cough Ron and Hermione cough), but overall the four created an unbreakable bond. They were currently in Hagrid's hut, trying to figure out what to do with the dragon Hagrid thought was okay to keep as a pet.

Suddenly, Sloane saw a bleach blonde figure peeking in through Hagrid's window, clearly seeing the dragon, which wasn't supposed to be there. She glared, giving him the same look she had given him the whole year. The others noticed too, and Sloane heard Ron mutter "Malfoy!"

The four and Hagrid needed to go on with their plan fast. Hermione and Harry threw on the invisibility cloak and ran with Norbert to meet Bill at the top of Gryffindor tower, who would take care of the dragon. Ron's job was to keep Hagrid calm. And Sloane got the worst job. Distracting Malfoy so Harry and Hermione had enough time to get to the tower. If she did this long enough, Norbert and Bill would be gone and there would be no proof of the accusations Malfoy could make.

"Hey! Wait up!" Sloane called, running after the blonde brat. He turned around with his normal sneer. Sloane came to the conclusion that that must be his resting face, and not a good one at that.
"And what do you want?" he replied with his normal rude tone.
"I-" but he cut her off.
"What's your blood status?"
"My what?" Sloane was thrown aback by this random question.
"Pure-blood" he said with his chest puffed out, "half-blood" he said in monotone "or.... mud blood." He almost gagged when saying mudblood. Sloane rolled her eyes into the back of her head, a real talent of hers.
"Half-blood," she answered, knowing she needed to be nice to the little git just a little longer.
"Okay, you get 5 minutes," he replied like he was king of the world.
"Um..." Sloane mumbled.
"Well, spit it out, I have somewhere to be," he hissed. I should get a reward for my self control right now, Sloane thought. It took a lot in her not to slap him silly.
"I just wanted to say it was really noble of you to find out that we were breaking the rules," she lied. But Sloane was quick on her feet, and knew Malfoy would be distracted if she kept complimenting him.
"I know," was his only response.
Sloane looked up to see a few figures flying away from Gryffindor tower, one holding something that looked to be Norbert.
She caught Malfoy's attention, who looked up and sudden realization hit him.
" disgusting half-blood!" he screeched and began running to go tell on the 4 and Hagrid.
"Toodles!" Sloane yelled at him and couldn't help but laugh at him stumble.
She knew that they would still get in trouble for being out after hours, but there was no proof of any dragon and no one would believe Malfoy anyways.

Hey loves! I hope you're enjoying the story so far!! The first part is almost over, just one or two more chapters and then we will be on to part 2, where more will happen with Sloane and Draco! Tell me what you think so far!

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