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Sloane was having the time of her life at Hogwarts. She had many different classes that she enjoyed, besides potions with Snape, who seemed to hate her just because of the fact she was a Gryffindor.

Today was the first day of flying broomsticks. The students were in two lines facing each other. Unfortunately, the Gryffindors had this class with the Slytherins, who they all began to dislike. Sloane stood in between Ron and Hermione with Harry on the other side of Ron. The four were slowly becoming good friends, even though Ron and Hermione did not seem too keen of each other. 

Madame Hooch instructed that the students hold out their dominant hands and say "up". Only two students got their broomsticks in their grasps on the first try. Harry, who looked shocked and Malfoy, who smirked. Sloane rolled her eyes, proceeding to say up again and grasp the broom on her second time. Not bad, she thought. On the other hand, Ron's broom flew straight up and smacked him in the nose. Sloane, having the bad habit of laughing at everything, burst into uncontrollable laughter, which earned her a judgy look from Malfoy. 

Eventually, the students were about to start flying when Neville, one of Sloane's friends from Gryffindor, flew into the air too early, causing him to go out of control and eventually fall. Madame Hooch proceeded to take him to the nurse, warning the other students no flying or else they will have very big consequences. 

Malfoy "conveniently" found Neville's remembrall and began to toss it around, angering Harry. The next thing Sloane knew, Harry was chasing Malfoy in the air on his broom to get the remembrall back. Harry received a "what an idiot" from Hermione but cheers from everyone else when he landed with the remembrall safe in his hands. Sloane caught Malfoy's eye, and gave him that "in your face Harry is my friend and he just got the remembrall even though it was his first time on a broom" look. He gave her his usual sneer back, which Sloane learned that she would receive a lot of.

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