Welcome To Hogwarts!

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All the first years were greeted by a giant man named Hagrid. While the rest of the kids went off on carriages, the first years went across the lake on boats. The castle looked beautiful in the sunset and Sloane could feel the excitement in her stomach.

When they got inside, they were greeted by a witch named Professor McGonagall. She informed them that before they took a seat in the great hall, they would need to be sorted into their houses by the sorting hat. She then went on to say the houses names. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Sloane could hear Ron whisper something about "dark wizard" to Harry. She knew very well that Slytherin produced the most dark wizards, but Harry didn't seem to know much.

After McGonagall left, a bleach blonde boy stepped in front of Harry. Sloane and Hermione whipped their heads, eyes bulging. That's the kid from the shop, thought Sloane, Hermione clearly thinking the same thing.
"I'm Malfoy" he said with so much confidence that Sloane had to hold in her giggle. "Draco Malfoy." Ron was clearly thinking the same thing as Sloane, except he let out a little laugh that he would soon regret.
"Think my names funny, do you?" Draco snickered at Ron, his grey eyes in a deep squint.
"Don't need to ask yours. Red hair and hand me down clothes, you must be a Weasley."
He said Weasley as if it were a disease. Poor Ron's face had turned the color of his hair.
Sloane felt so much anger that she didn't know what happened next. Something like Harry roasted Draco and suddenly they were in the Great Hall.

Four long tables with several students welcomed them pleasantly. The Hall was overwhelming yet beautiful at the same time.
Sloane, Hermione, Ron and Harry were all sorted into Gryffindor, and Sloane could tell they would all be best of friends.

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