The Mechanic: Part 2

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"So this piece of shit, Granger..." he said as he closed the hood of her beat-up Volkswagen, "Was this really all you could afford?"

"Not everyone has money falling out of their pockets, Malfoy," she said as she crossed her arms.

"Well, it looks pretty bad, Granger. Fixable, but bad."

She sighed, "How much is this going to cost?" He gave her a look, knowing that the talk of money made her uncomfortable and that the amount was way more than her budget. "I have to order in the parts, Granger. I'll do it, but-"

"No, I understand. I'll get the money. I guess I could find a temporary job in town."

Draco looked uncomfortable, like he wanted to say something. She asked, "Something wrong with that?"

"I can give you enough money for a bus ticket."

"You want me to leave that bad?!"

Draco groaned, "Yeah, I do."

"Why? Can't stand to be in the same town with me?"

"Exactly. The longer you stay here, the more likely it is that Potter will get into contact with you and you'll tell him I'm here."

"You're still wanted by the Ministry, aren't you?"

Her suspicions were correct and she continued, "You're not secretly harboring some Deatheater scheme, are you?"

"Does it look like I'm a still a blood purist, prejudicial freak?"

She didn't reply and only watched as he hooked up her car to his truck. He worked carefully, diligently, and with such care and patience that it was hard not to trust him. He really did look like a muggle, apart from who she knew him as. She wasn't sure if he was just an incredible actor, or someone who really did invest himself in muggle ways.

Draco got into the truck, followed by Hermione and then they pulled out of the gas station. Through the silence, she studied him.

He got taller. He wasn't that skinny thing he was back at Hogwarts. He grew strong arms and a muscular torso. His chin was chiseled and sharp, holding the same amount of dignity and poise. But other than his physical qualities, it was impossible to know his thoughts and feelings.

Unlike Draco, Ron and Harry were open books. You could tell if Ron was nervous because his ear sort of twitched in this weird way. When Harry was annoyed, his nostrils flared.

But Draco? He was just cold. Emotionless. But at the same time mysterious, and put on a much harder exterior than necessary.

"Are you gonna knock it off, Granger?" He caught her staring and she moved her head in the other direction. Leaning her head against the glass window, she mumbled, "What's a cold, heartless prick like you doing in a warm, sunny place like this?" She said, although technically the sun was setting and wasn't nearly as sunny as it was before.

"I can't believe I'm telling a know-it-all bookworm this, but..." he looked directly at her and leaned in close, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

He leaned back and returned to his statue position. Staring out the window again, they returned to town where she saw a hidden dirt road beyond the book shop. "They've got a trailer park in that direction. All your regular bums hang around there. At night, they come out completely wasted and look for trouble in town. I suggest you don't walk alone at night," he told. She had to see for herself and looked further into the wood down that path. She saw the lines of trailers parked on a dirt field. "The inn over there," he pointed at the one in the town square, "Last month, they skipped their health inspection. My guess, probably bed bugs."

"Ugh," she exclaimed.

"Exactly. And the town hall did nothing about. They don't exactly do much for this town."

"Is there anywhere in this town you can trust will be safe?"

"Mary's Book Shop," the words slipped out of his mouth as if they were part of his next breath, "Abby. I've known her for quite some time now."

"She was the first person I met in this town. Nice lady.... So is she the only one I can trust in this town?"

"Pretty much."

"Are you saying I can't trust you?"

"I'm saying I don't want you to get used to trusting me."

Hermione sneered and sat in silence the rest of the way. Draco turned the truck and car and drove it backwards so her car fit perfectly in his garage. They got out and as Hermione watched him detach her car from his truck, she wondered where exactly she would be sleeping. The inn, apparently had bed bugs so there's no way in hell she was staying in there.

She supposed her car, but it depended on when he would start fixing it.

"So how soon can it be done?"

"I suppose that means you're not going to take my offer for that bus ticket," he half-joked. He really did want her to leave, and soon. When she only scoffed in response, he said, "A few days. But the parts I need might take a bit longer to ship in."

Hermione sighed and rested her hand against her forehead. Here she stood, having to pay bloody Draco Malfoy to fix her bloody car, in the middle of bloody nowhere. With no bloody job.

"Know any places hiring right now?" she asked.

He shook his head and she groaned. Everything was happening so fast and the thought of even staying at that bloody inn - with barely any cash - was stressing her out. "What am I going to do?" she mumbled quietly to herself.

"Granger," he stressed his words, "I feel obliged to ask if you have a place to stay tonight."

She shook her head and he continued, "Follow me." He went into the garage and she followed. In the back corner was a small office with a large window. Opening the office, he revealed a small room with a old and possibly broken bed in the corner. In front of the window stood a desk with what looked like a lot of paperwork and next to it a small mini fridge. He turned on the small lamp and it gave the room a yellowish glow. "After working so long, sometimes I'm too tired to go inside, so I sleep in here," he stated, "I can let you stay here...temporarily."

Hermione felt the sudden urge to hug him but was reminded that he had no heart and it would be like hugging a stone wall.

"Thank you," was all she managed to say before he started to leave.

"Wait," she called him.


"Is there a bathroom in here too?"

"No, that you will have to come inside for."

Hermione nodded but a sudden gurgle from her stomach interrupted the conversation. The first smile of the night appeared across Draco's face as he said, "That mini fridge won't be enough to cure that insatiable stomach of yours, Granger. You can come inside for food too."

Her look of relief was all the thanks Draco needed as he disappeared from the room.

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