Chapter 1

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The three friends; Destiel, Neil, and Gabriel were sitting in a bar celebrating. They were celebrating since they all managed to finish college, early by two years. The group of boys were still all underaged, but very intelligent. The cockiest of the three, gabriel was able to get three fake is's for all of the boys, so they could continue the celebration at a bar. The groups laughter muted by the beat of the music, people jumping around on the dance floor. The friends start the night and order the first round of drinks. With the stench of whiskey in the air gabriel, Destiel, and neil party the night away.

Not a much later Destiel watched the guys enjoy themselves. Destiel who had volunteered, more like lost the bet had to be the driver. So if they got drunk it won't be a problem. Destiel watched as neil managed to persuade the exotic dancer off the pole so he could use it. Destiel facepalmed as he noticed neil, wasn't even drunk just an idiot started a strip show on the pole. Amazingly people, mostly girls actually started throwing money at neil.

Destiel who turned away before neil took off his pants, looked for gabriel. As he finally found gabriel in the crowd he grinned. Desteil started to watch as gabriel was flirting with anyone and anything within a talking distance of him. As Destiel was going to turn away bored of seeing gabriel failing at getting any girls. Destiel sees a suspicious women who tried to lead gabriel the the back door of the club.

Gabriel didn't want to go with the women he looked uncomfortable, and Destiel could tell. When gabriel tried to struggle out of the women's grasp, the women kissed gabriel. After gabriel was forced to kiss the women, he listened to the women like a dog. After watching that all go down, Destiel felt a wave of worry run up his spine. Destiel felt something was wrong, no Destiel knew something was wrong. But the more destiel read the situation the more he thought he was over reacting. So Destiel let is go, sighing as he took a sip of water.

Destiel was going to ignore it , figuring it was nothing just nerve. But he just could not shake off the feeling something was wrong. Destiel still not wanting to involve himself into Gabriel's private life, didn't act on the bad feeling he had. Right as he was going to let it go, just before he was going to turn his head, he saw someone else slowly following behind gabriel the mystery women. The man looked dangerous and suspicious, all dressed in black. Following closely behind gabriel and the women like he was stalking his pray, it made destiel shiver. After Destiel's bad feeling had been confirmed, he decided to follow Gabriel but felt like he needed back up. So he got neil, with all his party glory off the stage.

Destiel confused and determined to see what's going on, grabs neil and tells him "we need to go now", Destiel muttered under his breath. "Destiel why are you in a hurry to get out of here?", neil groaned with irritation. Destiel filled with concern decides to explain what he seen to neil. Neil groaned "So what? Gabriel probably just got luck.". Destiel knew that his idea was a valid possibility, but his unknown instinct told him other thing. Something scratching at the back of his mind itching him to continue, gave him that feeling of being uneasy and that feeling keeps washing over him. Neil scanned his eyes over destiel, neil sighed "come on show me where they went if you so worried about gabriel". Destiel breathes out a breath he didn't know he was holding and looked at neil."Then follow me", Destiel said with determination.

Destiel continue to guide neil, to where the mystery women and suspicious man, went to the back door. The door in its self was covered in profanity, and it had a crack going down the middle of the door taking. Sighing as he took a step forward, Destiel stops and looks at neil " Here , they went through here.". Neil worried look down at Destiel,"Are you ok? You look sick, are you that worried about gabriel?". Destiel's eyes glare at neil, "shut it, I just have a feeling something bad is going to happen soon". Neil sighs and keeps quiet and destiel continues what he was going to do. Destiel's main objective: Find gabriel.

Destiel body reaches out towards the door his hand slowly moves up. As Destiel reaches the door he lets out a sigh. His hand grabs on to the door knob and slowly twisting it. As it creaks open destiel slightly gasps a what he stumbled upon.

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