Chapter 3

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( third person pvo)

The four boys continued walking down a narrow alleyway. Darkness follows silently no noise could be heard. Neil is alert watching the masked man with a curious look, his thoughts still continue to follow him.

Destiel on the other hand is walking down the alleyway with a constant bitch face. He was riddled with worry and a unseen force of protectiveness. Destiel doesn't know why he feels responsible for his shorter friends, but he especially feels responsible for Gabriel.  And he feels guilty for the situation the three are in, as the four continue to walk Destiel begins to remember how he met his two friends. 

Destiel, Gabriel and Neil have been friends for years, Actually they all have been friends  since elementary school. Though Neil was friends with Destiel much earlier because, Destiel and his mothers were friends. They had got introduced to each other much younger and have been friends ever since then.

 Gabriel on the other hand had migrated into there friend group in second grade. Destiel had fought for Gabriel who was getting bullied by two of their fellow classmates.  Destiel didn't know Gabriel at the time, but had  always seen Gabriel eating or playing by himself.  But  Destiel  thought he was worth enough to fight for, And that resulted in Destiel getting his first and most valuable suspension. When Destiel offered Gabriel into Neil and his friend group, they all have been friends since. Destiel remembers how he got grounded for two weeks after that fight, And how Gabriel snuck out everyday to see him when he was grounded.

. . . 

Destiel mind was drifting, thinking about the past when he was interrupted by a annoyed voice. 

"Destiel!", Neil said annoyed. Destiel was slammed back into reality his daydream just a silent memory . Destiel confused  looks up, tearing his eyes away from Gabriel. When he looks up he sees a confused Neil. Destiel adjusted Gabriel in his arms and took in the area they were in.  

  A slightly run down house stood in front of the boys. It was a medium sized bleached-white house,  the grass looked unkempt and filled with weeds. But it was a house none the less, And Destiel couldn't care less only if it met that they were some what safe. The masked man walks up towards the door and opens it sighing."lady's first" The man said smirking towards Neil. 

Quickly and smoothly Neil replies a comeback." Said the one. Who at first glance could be mistaken as a flat chested female. I might be short but at least i can be identified as a man." With the few word spoken out of Neil's mouth, The masked man turns towards the doors and walks straight inside the house leaving them outside. While Neil is in a laughing fit, Destiel starts his way into the house. 

When Destiel the rest of their group walked threw that front door they sealed their fates forever. 


I'm so sorry for putting an update here but this is important...if you had the choice to add a girl name or a boy name what would you choose?

Also this is important too i might make a patron for this story! 

I finally want to take this story seriously and i would benefit for some feedback! 

Finally the last thing is please share this story around if you like it! 

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