Chapter 4

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Destiel looked around observing the house. Inside the house was neat and it seemed bigger than it looked outside. It looked much better then it look outside, it was nice and warm. The walls looked freshly washed and the floor looked mopped. Destiel's observation was short lived when Neil came through the door hitting him . The sudden force on his back made Destiel fall he looked down to see Gabriel in his arms forgetting he was carrying him. The fall happened too fast for Destiel to get his balance back and he fell. He accepted his fate thinking to himself 'This short midget is going to get kicked across a football field when i gets back up' Destiel snaps back realizing he is not dead. But it's too late he falls.

*Thump* Destiel groans as his body hits the ground. Destiel had just enough time to shift his body so he took the fall letting Gabriel fall on his chest. Destiel had the wind knocked out of him and with the extra weigh of another person made his fall twice as bad. As Destiel lays on the floor contemplating death, Gabriel starts to shift on top of Destiel the fall waking him up.

Gabriel just was asleep the poison had not taken affect yet. Gabriel had woke up when Destiel started to carry him on their way to the house, but was too tired to walk on his own so he just went to sleep. "W-What the Hell Des? Are you alive.", Gabriel said as he pushed himself up off Destiel. Gabriel started to yawn, stretching a bit before getting up. As he stood up he looked around at were he was, his eyes almost instantly finding Destiel. Gabriel stood over Destiel let a hand out to help him up.

Destiel took it, his eyes wandered Gabriels face looking for a sign of pain. When he didn't see any his face relaxed and he began to speak . "Gabriel are you okay ? How are you feeling ? What the hell happened to you? You should not be standing , your hurt ." Destiel spat out questions and worried comments . Making Gabriel irritated "God Des I'm okay i feel fine . I'm not dead am i?" Gabriel continued shrugging off the concern look Destiel gave him .

Gabriel continued to look around seeing Neil, smirking slowly closing the front door trying to be silent. " Hey! asshole what the heck did you do? I know Destiel would not drop me if it's important ." Gabriel sighed looking at Neil how sheepishly laughed. During the ruckus the three boys didn't notice the dasher just staring at the boys with a amused look on his face.

" Okay now that you guys are done. Are you guys ready to looks some what presentably or at least be respectful." The Dasher finally spoke out. " Before you follow me, Gabriel the poison cure is your spirit level. It would be lethal for most people but you were struggling against the spell. Be noted this is the only reason i helped, i thought you guys were a group of weak dashers. But you three seem lost like you guys have no clue what is going on. It seemed weird so i took you guys to see my friend. To get things sorted out to help. Gabriel Should be dead if he really was poisoned but he can walk, even argue with Neil. A normal or weaker dasher would be sick or even unable to walk." The Dasher was ranting by the end of his speech.

Neil was listening intently waiting for the end of the speech and he asked one question "Dash-Dasher? Is it? Can you tell us your real name? Honestly i don't like calling you a Dasher i feel like i'm putting you in a group of some sort." Neil asked waiting for a response he had to look up because he was much shorter the the man. The Dasher looked surprised by the request but told them anyway. " Xavier, my name is Xavier", The man said as he turned around letting the boys follow him.



Hey guys. Just wanted to update sorry if there is any spelling or grammar mistakes, i didn't reread the story again to check for spelling mistakes. \( - 3 - )/

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