chapter 2

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    As Destiel opened the door and lets out a shocked gasp. He notices the women was pushing Gabriel against the wall. Gabriel was struggling fiercely.  Destiel noticed the fear in Gabriel eyes it made anger rise inside of him. The women whispered into Gabriel's ear. Whatever the words the women said to Gabriel, made him visibly upset . It caused Gabriel struggle even harder.

 The look of fear on Gabriel's made Destiel shiver, and he hated it. As his anger quickly turned into horror as the women's jaw slowly dropped open. It opened in a unnaturally wide manner. Her mouth opened a foot and a half wide. Destiel's  eyes grew big, his stomach did flips. When he started to see the girls cheeks start to split her skin and bones crushing and popping out. Neil started to gag, he threw up next to the trashcan in the ally.

 Quietly the masked man who is unfazed of the women's appearance. Quickly slashes the women's head off in one swift motion . Destiel surprisingly not caring about the man, Runs towards Gabriel. Destiel Unknowingly pushes the masked man out of his way. Gabriel was passed out  from shock, of the girls jaw that was on him. Destiel was relived that Gabriel wasn't hurt, but he was confused.

 Destiel looks up at the man confused " who and what are you? " The man scoffs at Destiel but looks down to show respect" A dasher who works for a caretaker sir.  Also, Sir if it's not too rude  ask what are you?" Destiel looks at the man in confusion. 

 Destiel starts to talk " Don't call me sir . That's just weird. " The masked man visibly flinches at the sound of Destiel's voice it was like a warning. He takes a step back. The man looks at Destiel shocked. Destiel continues "I'm Destiel. The short one is Neil.  And the one who is passed out is Gabriel. " 

 The masked man began to mumble panicking. he looks like he's trying to figure something out,  " These guys seem weak. But they can put fear into anyone normal. That Destiel guy can dominate any room, i wonder how they would all look angry? They have the aura of a caretaker, are they caretakers? No they can't be. They don't even know what caretakers are. They must be powerful Or something! I can't even sense their power, like it's block-" The man began to ramble on without stopping. 

Destiel getting more irritated by the second, cuts him off " Man calm down! Oh and by the way. Did you just call us weak? Short-stack you got yourself a death wish." Destiel started to get ready to beat the masked man up. But before he could even move, Gabriel winced in pain. Making Destiel stop, even more concerned about him then he was before.

The masked man stayed silent, he had a weird look on his face. The look on the masked man was like he had found something interesting. He tried one more thing before doing anything, he glared at Destiel with hatred. Destiel looking up. Glares back at the man with extreme venom, his hatred quadrupling the mans own.

With a sigh he spoke " You guys would want follow me. The hospital can't help Gabriel, he has sown poison. I have the supplies were i live. If you want him alive please follow me". Before The masked man turned way. Neil thought he seen the man wink at him.

Neil watching this all go down looks confused. Neil stares down thinking. Then suddenly blurts out . "Destiel we should follow him. He feels okay." Destiel looks at Neil, "Are you sure? Neil he could have hurt Gab! The blade was just a inch from Gabriel's neck."

 Neil rolls his eyes. A grin makes it's way on Neil's face "Do you want gabriel to be okay? Then i would follow him. He said he had supplies and the cure to the sown poison. if i were you i would follow him for Gabriel. Giant".Neil said Without another word. Neil turns around and walks after the masked man. Destiel quickly retorts "asshole. I was just making sure that we can trust him!" Neil flicks Destiel off. Neil continues to walk off.  

 Neil left leaving Destiel flustered with hesitation . After a split second of thought destiel, gets up with Gabriel in his arms. Quickly following Neil and the masked man.  As they silently follow the man. At the moment  Thousands of questions are running in and out of the boys head. But one question seems to stick in Destiel's and Neil's  head. 




Didn't the man call us a caretaker?

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