Three Admirals

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Then that was the end. My vision fogged. And my breathing stopped.

Keith's POV

I screamed but I couldn't get to him. He looked at me with his gorgeous glowing blue eyes.

But then his eyes dimmed and he let go. I couldn't get to him. I had been trapped by a fallen piece of metal. I screamed, cried, and prayed but nothing I did would bring him back.

All I could do was watch. Watch him smile at me the shut his eyes. I had to watch the love of my life drift off into space. I had to watch him die.

Shiro and the rest of the team eventually came and found me. Then removed the metal that trapped me in the corner. Once I was free I tried to run off the ship. I tried to run after Lance. Shiro grabbed me and yelled that we needed to go, we were running out of air.

I screamed and yelled but Shiro wouldn't let go of me. He shoved me into the back of his lion. On the way back to the castle I cried and curled up in ball against the wall.
I shook my head and denied constantly that Lance was dead. He can't be dead. He ISN'T dead.

We needed more time. We only just found out we loved each other. I need him back.


We made it back to the ship. Shiro carried me into the main room, where everyone else was. Obviously, no one looked happy.

Hunk had his head in his hands, crying. Pidge curled in ball against the wall, constantly uttering the word 'no' refusing to believe Lance was....dead.

Shiro cried and kept his face in his normal hand. Allura also cried, hugging Coran who wept as well.

I locked myself in my room. I laid on my bed and screamed into the pillows. I cried and screamed and cried and screamed. God please I'll do anything. I just need him back.

No one's POV

The three admirals sat in the control room of their battle ship. A very large, blue skinned one stood at the main control panel. "How do we even know where to find Lotor", said the pink admiral, who sat in a chair, feet perched on the dashboard.
"Ezor, get your feet off the panel", said a rather emo looking admiral who stood in the corner, arms crossed. "Oh stop being a party shitter, Acxa. Would it kill you guys to crack a smile", Ezor said. Zethrid turned and looked at her. "How can we be all cheery when we don't know if Lotor is dead or alive. If he finds us, he'll kill us Ezor, and you want to crack jokes?"

Ezor gulped and sunk into her seat. "Well you know what-" then there was a thump against the windshield of the battleship. The three admirals whipped their heads around to a tan boy in white and blue armor, really bloody armor, crash against their window.

"Oh my shit. That's the Blue Paladin", Ezor said.

"We have to grab him", Acxa said. Ezor and Zethrid looked at her like she head four heads.

"Come on. He'll be able to tell us if Lotor's dead or alive."

Zethrid shrugged. "Fine let's go", she said and the three of them went to the hatch in the back of the ship.

      After Zethrid had grabbed the small, weak Paladin, she tossed him onto a metal table and the two other admirals gathered nearer. "He looks kinda.....dead", Ezor said. Acxa waved her hand in front of his face. Then she shook him and slapped him across the face. "Yeah he's gotta be dead", Ezor said again.

"Great so let's just throw him-


The three admirals spun their heads violently towards the boy on the table.

"Oh my sweet shit, he's alive!" Ezor said.

Lance jumped. "Who are you! Where am I? What am I doing here", he yelled.

"Oh calm down Blue Paladin", Zethrid replied.

Lance cocked his head. "What's a Paladin?"

Acxa's eyes widened. "What's your name", she asked.

Lance opened his mouth to speak before shutting it and turning his face away from them. "I don't know", he said.

"Well shit" Ezor said. "Is there anything you do know?"

Lance shook his head. "No."

Zethrid pulled Acxa and Ezor away from Lance's ears.

"This is good. We can use him. We can train him to be one of us. Maybe eventually he'll even remember where Lotor is!"

Ezor glances over her shoulder at the boy, weak and shivering.

"I don't know. He seems kinda like a dead weight", she said.

"Honestly, I don't care", Acxa said. "Do want you want."

Zethrid grinned. "What are we going to call him? We can't call him by Lance because it may remind him somewhat of who he is, so we need a name for him", she said.

The three admirals thought for a minute. "What about Leo?" Acxa said. "It's a constellation and it's his zodiac sign."

"What the fuck is a sodic sign", Ezor said.

Acxa rolled her eyes. "It's zodiac, not sodic, and it's some earth thingy that has to do with the month you were born in."

Zethrid shrugged. "Works for me. We don't have anything else to call him so Leo it is."

The admirals turned back to the boy.

"Your name is Leo", Zethrid said.

"Leo? How would you know that?" he asked.

"You're one of us", Ezor replied.

The blue boy stared at them for a bit.

"Come on, we'll explain everything to you over some food", Acxa said, motioning for him to follow her.

Lance, who would now be known as Leo, followed after her, with no idea of who these people actually were, or for that matter, who he was.

Welp. That's the first chapter. I hope it was interesting enough for you folks. Happy Thanksgiving. I'm very thankful for all of you! That's it for now. See y'all in the next chapter. Peace out. (Ps: I promise the chapters will get more interesting later on)

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