The Fourth Admiral

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No one's POV

The three admirals led Leo into the dining area of the ship. They sat down at a circular table and motioned for Leo to do the same.

There was a moment of silence before Leo spoke up.

"Okay so my name is Leo. Got it. But who exactly are you guys."

"I'm Ezor. The lame, emo one is Acxa. The abnormally large one is Zethrid."

Acxa rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Ezor, Zethrid, and Acxa. But who are you. How do I know you?"

Zethrid sat forward. "You worked with us. You were part of our team until our huge battle with Lotor."

Leo cocked his head. "Lotor?"

"Yeah. He was this really stupid asshole. Gorgeous hair though I have to admit", Ezor said.

Acxa shot a look at Ezor, who stuck up her middle finger in reply.

"Anyway", Acxa started. "You were on our team. A while ago we went into a battle with Lotor. You took a escape pod to try and fight off Lotor by yourself. However, you weren't very successful, as you crashed into the side of a battle cruiser. Until recently, we thought you were dead."

Leo listened in shock to what Acxa was saying. Was all of this really true?

"But what does a paladin have to do with this", Leo asked.

"What", Acxa replied in confusion.

"Earlier, when I first woke up, Zethrid called me a 'paladin'. What is that?"

Acxa swallowed. "Um.."

"They're the bad guys", Ezor quickly said. "They're on the same side as Lotor. They're trying to kill us. They are evil and pilot this huge robot monster thingy. Wherever they are, we need to find them and kill them, before they kill us.'

"That does not explain why Zethrid called me a paladin."

"Well, you actually look a lot like the Blue Paladin. Also, we thought you were dead so I didn't exactly know who you were right away", Zethrid said.

"Oh okay. Wait, did you say blue? Do these paladin people have colors?" Leo asked.

"Something like that. You see, there are five paladins. A black, red, blue, green, and yellow. Each of which pilot a large, mechanic lion. Together, the lions form Voltron, an evil weapon that could destroy us all", Acxa said.

Leo nodded his head. "So we must destroy this Voltron", he said.

Ezor smirked. "Good to finally have our fourth admiral back."



Keith's POV

Shiro keeps trying to get me out of my room. He says I need to accept it and try to move past it.

Move past it!?

Who does he think he is?

Does he not understand how hard this is?! Does he not know the pain and suffering I have to go through right now!


Well fuck that.

I won't be moving on for a long time.

Because deep down I know he is still alive. Call it telepathy, call it a soulmate's instinct but I can feel that he isn't dead. In my heart, I know he is still alive.

But no matter what my heart is saying, my brain keeps telling me to end it all and join Lance.



Why can't everyone leave my alone?

Why does Pidge have to keep knocking on my door to ask if I need anything?

Why does Hunk have to keep sliding food under my door, telling me to eat?

Why does Shiro have to keep coming to my room to tell me that the team needs me and I should be strong?

I get that they worry about me because we're all family but can't they understand I want to be alone?

Don't they understand that losing the one and only person who loved me more than I love myself really puts me into a state I'll probably never get out of.

No need to tell me, yeah I know that took forever. Sorry.....

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. For anyone that missed it, yes Keef is having suicidal thoughts. Welpers I've got nothing else to say so farewell my children. See ya next time. :)

I'm Sorry- the Story of a New PaladinWhere stories live. Discover now