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Nobody's POV

The four admirals sat in silence around the table.

"So, now what", Ezor asked. Zethrid stood up.

"Now we train."

Leo followed his fellow admirals into a large room in the ship. It appeared to be a training room. The walls were a dark color, and every one had a purple symbol on it.

Acxa cleared her throat. "Start level 4", she said.

A purple robot fell from the ceiling. Leo jumped back in shock. "What's that", he asked.

"That's one of our training robots", Ezor replied, pulling out a sword from a sword rack.

Leo followed Acxa to the weapons station and watched her pick up a dagger. She handed him an indigo shotgun. "You were a sharpshooter before your accident", she said.

Leo nodded and took the gun. As the four admirals stood in place the, the robot charged at them. Acxa went first. She easily cut the bot in half. The floor opened and the robot fell through the hole.

Two more fell from the ceiling and Acxa effortlessly destroyed them.

A robotic voice said. "Level 4 complete."

Ezor was next. "Start level 5", she said. Though she had a sword, it was almost as if her hair was her main weapon. She used it slice the first bot in half. The second one she tripped then stabbed with the sword.

"Level 5 complete."

Ezor smirked. "Boom motherfucker."

Zethrid stepped forward. "Start level 12."

Three bots fell from the ceiling. Zethrid was one good ass combat fighter. She didn't need a weapon. Her hands, the size of microwaves, were her weapons. It took her longer to beat all three then it took Ezor and Acxa to beat only 2 of the bots.

"Damn she's at level 12", Ezor whispered to Acxa.
Acxa nodded.
"That's hot", Ezor smirked.

"Alright Leo, it's your turn", Zethrid said after finishing off all of the bots. Leo nodded and stepped up to the battle area. "Uh, what level was I on", he asked.

"Try 17", Acxa said.
"17!? Are you fucking mentally insane", Ezor whispered harshly to her.
"Start level 17", Leo said.

4 training robots fell from the ceiling, all of which immediately charged at him.
It was as if he had known how to fight his whole life. He knew how to shoot and aim.
When a bot came too close he could easily fight it off in hand-to-hand combat.

The floor opened and the five ruptured bots fell through the hole. The other three admirals looked at Leo in shock.

"Damn and here we were thinking it was gonna take time for you to get back in the swing of fighting", Ezor snickered.

Leo straightened up and said, "Start level 50."

Keith's POV

"Start training level 50", I said.

It's 3 am in Earth time. This is the only time I'll come out of my room. To train and grab a bite to eat so I don't starve to death. I have to live. I don't deserve to die. If I die it would almost be as if I'm disgracing Lance. I need to live. For him.

My thoughts are so distracting I almost forgot about the four robots coming at me. I easily fend off two of them. But I guess I got tired because the third bot knocked me off of my feet.

Shit that fucking hurt.

"End training sequence", I yelled. The bot that stood over me immediately fell through a hole that opened in the floor.

I lied there for a few seconds, clutching my shoulder.

I'm a fucking weak piece of shit.

I groaned and stood up, limping to the bathroom.

I fumbled into the bathroom. I placed both hands on the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. My weak, useless self.

I tore open the medicine cabinet and rummaged through it. I found the single, solitary blade that I hid at the back just in case. I grabbed it.

Graphic and suicidal stuff starts now. If it makes you uncomfortable, please don't read the rest of the chapter.

I drew the blade across my wrist. Blood began to flow out of my arm. I lifted my sleeve up further. I traced more lines up and down my forearm, all the way up to the crease.
Red decorated my lower arm. My vision is getting foggy.

I put the blade down as I staggered around the bathroom. I quickly opened a drawer on the right and pulled out the roll of bandage. I wrapped it around my forearm.

Fuck!, I thought. This really hurts. Mentally and physically.

After cleaning up the bathroom and throwing all the bloody tissues down the toilet, I sat down on the floor and leaned against the door. Tears began to flow out of my eyes. Next thing I knew I was sobbing and shaking.

Is this how Lance felt?

HAPPY NEW YEAR MY BOOS!!! I hope you like the chapter. It took a while... sorry. Anyway, thank you so so so MUCH! I really am so happy that you guys read my stupid ass book 😂 Honestly y'all are the best. Happy New Year, I hope you all continue to read my book in the new year. Bye for noe my beloveds!

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