Chapter 2: Anorae

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Anorae dressed in her mithril armor, equipped her large, round shield, and long dory spear with a spearhead made from the teal glass malakyte. Her father, Atreus, the King of Acran, had told her to meet him at the bottom of the Minotaur's Summit fully equipped, but hadn't told her what the reason for it was. The sun had just set over the draconian country when Anorae went on her way to the bottom of the mountain. The dense jungles of Orathan's northern landmass were teeming with beasts, monsters, and the savage Aze people. They were no match for draconian warriors, especially not one like Anorae, but she still kept her shield in front of her. An arrow could come flying from the trees at any moment. It would splinter against Anorae's mithril armor and shield, but she didn't wear a helmet, and her mithril cuirass was sleeveless. The only thing protecting her face and arms was her bright blue draconian scales. There was something special to Acran about Minotaur's Summit. Atreus had always said its where the sky-blue-scaled draconians of Acran, both male and female, had tested their mettle and became fully recognized as warriors and citizens of the kingdom. Whether it was different for children of Kings was a mystery to Anorae, but whatever was about to happen would undoubtedly test her abilities and mettle. She would pass whatever her father could throw at her.

Soon, she did arrive at the bottom of the Minotaur's Summit. King Atreus was standing there waiting for her, wearing his own mithril armor the color of gold, and carrying something that was wrapped with cloth in his hands.

"Father?" said Anorae, and the draconian King turned around.

"Anorae," King Atreus greeted. "Do you know why I wished for you to meet me here?"

"No," Anorae admitted. The ancient King chuckled. He would have looked terrifying to Anorae with his height that stood at a foot taller than most other draconians, and frightening dragon-like head if he wasn't her father.

"Listen closely," Atreus warned, with a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "The Minotaur's Summit is where I became a true warrior of Acran, and now it is where you will become recognized as this great country's heir. Climb the slopes, and slay the minotaur. You will not be allowed back in Eleus unless you bring back its head. Return to the capital with the beast's head, or not at all. Do you understand this?"

"Yes," Anorae promised. Her father smiled. She had trained as a warrior her whole life for this very moment, with her parents, her younger brother, and other soldiers of the country, most being veterans of the Dragon War, ten thousand years ago. She was ready, and King Atreus knew this.

"This will help you," he said, handing her the object wrapped in cloth.

"With your shield or on it," the King wished, and he walked off, disappearing into the jungles of Acran. He had never told Anorae that before. She wouldn't be bothered by it, though. Every draconian warrior in Acran had heard that phrase at least once in their lives. It might be something that the draconian Princess would have to grow used to hearing.

"What did you give me?" Anorae whispered. She unwrapped the cloth from her father's gift, and her eyes widened at what was revealed. It was a makhaira made from glass malakyte, with an orange crystal of flame malakyte enchanting its heavy blade. The sword wasn't just any draconian blade, though. It was the blade of King Atreus' father, King Posidas, who made the greatest sacrifice of the Dragon War. There are hundreds of stories about the ancient King that have been told since the end of the Dragon War, but the last one is the one that's told the most. Anorae threw the cloth down and sheathed the Blade of Posidas. She put her shield on her back and approached the mountain. It was a rough, steep slope, and the mountain was taller than she would have believed. She grabbed two rocks that were sticking out from the wall and began to pull herself up. Anorae pulled herself up the mountainside with all her strength, desperately trying not to lose her grip and fall. As she climbed higher, she felt the air become colder. Even though it never even snowed in Acran, she could feel the heat and humidity of the jungles leave her. Suddenly, there was a growl from the peak of the mountain. Anorae could feel the minotaur's rage from halfway to the summit. She refused to allow the monster to intimidate her. By the time she reached the ledge just below the summit, she was exhausted. Anorae pulled herself onto the cliff, then sat with her legs crossed and rested for a moment. As with King Posidas, she had heard stories about minotaurs as well. They were twice the size of even draconians, with the body of a man, and the head of a great bull. Their rage was unmatched by any other creature across Zenartha, and have impaled more than a few of the greatest warriors in history on their horns. Anorae had to be careful.

"Here we go," she hissed, standing up, and drawing her spear and shield. She went into the cave in the mountainside with her shield in front of her, and pointing her glass spear forward. Anorae looked around with every step she took, taking care not to make a wrong move. When the mouth of the tunnel wasn't in sight anymore, there was suddenly a draft that blew against Anorae's long, blonde hair. An ancient, stone door was at the end of the tunnel, and it was slightly cracked open, just enough for Anorae to squeeze through. Once she arrived at the other side of the door, she gave a loud, deep sigh.

"Gods, no," she complained. It was a labyrinth, a giant maze with stone walls too high to see over, and with hundreds of twists and turns around every corner. Anorae knew she would inevitably become lost in the labyrinth, but she would eventually find her way out after slaying the minotaur. The Princess went into the maze with her shield in front of her and her spear forward. She had lost her way after just a few steps. There were too many turns and corners to count, and Anorae suddenly felt the ground shake as a roar echoed through the labyrinth. She must have been close to the minotaur. When she turned another corner, she saw the ancient skeleton of a draconian warrior. He must have been butchered by the minotaur in the labyrinth when he was supposed to slay it. The sight of the draconian warrior's corpse was unnerving. Anorae could very well end up like that. As she went further into the maze, she began to feel the ground shaking as something at its center began to stomp. She came to an opening in the walls, to a large, round space. The minotaur was there. It had the hooves of a bull, but the hands of a man. It must have stood at twice Anorae's size, holding a double-bladed ax as big as she was. It wore a large, brown loincloth rather than a suit of armor, and a golden ring was in its bull-like snout. Its blood-stained horns curved upward, and its eyes had a bright, golden glow to them. The monster was definitely more terrifying in person, but it wouldn't stop Anorae from running her spear through its chest. A deep growl came from the minotaur's snout as it raised its ax. It then lowered its head and charged forth with its horns forward. Anorae ducked her head and rolled to the side, allowing the beast to charge past her, crashing into the stone wall of the maze. Anorae raised her spear and thrust it forward. The minotaur turned her way, grabbing her glass spear under the blade, and snapping the metal shaft in half. Anorae threw what was left of her spear down and drew the Blade of Posidas as the minotaur raised its ax. The monster brought its blade down, and Anorae raised her mithril shield. The minotaur's ax slid off of the shield, then Anorae slashed at its leg with her makhaira. The Blade of Posidas left a burning cut in the monster's leg, and it roared with pain. The minotaur then kicked Anorae right in the chest with its hoof, sending her rolling across the floor. Her sword and shield fell from her hands. The kick would have instantly killed a human or epsilon, but her draconian scales and bones could withstand the strongest of hits.

"Shit," Anorae cursed, pulling herself to her feet, and picking the Blade of Posidas back up. As the minotaur stomped towards her, she hurled the ancient makhaira at it, sinking it into the monster's neck. The golden glow in the monster's eyes went out, and it fell to its knees, then on its face. Anorae pulled the Blade of Posidas from its neck, then swung at it to sever its head, and the monster's head came clean off.

Anorae was left to the mercy of the minotaur, but she survived. She was forced to triumph where others failed, but she survived. She undertook a quest only worthy of a true warrior, but she survived. Once she returned to Eleus, the capital city of Acran, she made her way to the Great Hall and pushed the doors open. King Atreus looked up from the draconian lords and ladies of his court to meet Anorae's eyes. She was covered in the minotaur's blood, and she laid its head at the King's feet.

"Welcome home, Anorae," King Atreus congratulated. She had passed the test worthy of Acran's ruler.

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