Chapter 27: Anorae

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Anorae could not have been more relieved at the sight of the walls of Eleus. King Atreus had marched his army back to the capital once he learned that Aziz's army was readying to attack it. They weren't there to visit Phaedre and Konon, though, as much as they wanted to. Anorae, Cytheris, Thesean, and the King himself walked along the top of the walls of Eleus, assessing the city's defenses. Even with whatever Skaola threw at Eleus' walls, its King was taking quite the chance even considering the attack. Atreus had ordered every catapult to be mounted on the walls, and every ballista to be stationed just below them. Phalanx walls of draconian warriors armed with mithril shields and spears made from glass malakyte were in front of the ballistae Even if they could touch the walls, they wouldn't last long.

"What do they believe will happen?" Cytheris wondered.

"It's difficult to say," said Anorae. "Honestly, though, if Aziz throws his entire army at us, I don't know what will happen. I don't know how many of them will fall on our blades, or how many of us will fall on theirs."

"Anorae," Cytheris sighed. "Thousands of us died defending Elatiri, remember? Zabaia said that those Undying that were sent there were soulless, emotionless shells of men, or at least that's how they were viewed by Aziz."

"Well, I wouldn't know as well as he would," Anorae admitted. "Is it strange that he's the first Guardian that either of us have ever met?"

"We're at war with one of the worst tyrants this world has ever seen," Cytheris reminded. "I'm certain it was bound to happen."

"It was kind of him to offer his assistance," said Anorae. "But that's how you know he's a Guardian. We didn't have to ask."

"Speaking of which," Cytheris blurted. An out of breath Zabaia came rushing to them. His Sorcerer robes were drenched in sweat, and he nearly collapsed from his exhaustion. He must have forgotten that since draconians were twice his size, everything they built would be twice the size of anything that humans have built.

"Princess," the Guardian groaned. "Where's your father?" Anorae and Cytheris led the Guardian along the top of the wall, finding Atreus and Thesean standing at the top of a watchtower, keeping watch for the Skaolans' forces.

"Father!" Anorae called. Atreus climbed down from the tower before the Lord of War did.

"Zabaia wanted to see you," said Anorae.

"We're about to be attacked, sir," Zabaia warned. "The enemy army is about an hour away."

"How can you tell?" asked King Atreus.

"I can sense their leaders," Zabaia enlightened. "They're both Shadows. King Aziz must have sent them here himself." He had told both Anorae and Atreus of the Shadows of the Abyss. They had a higher authority that Skaola's colonial lords, but were still below the King's own authority. That was because they were warriors of the Abyss that learned to harness the dark power of their souls, contrary to the Guardians harnessing their souls' radiant power. As far as could be told, though, the Shadows under King Aziz's control didn't tread the path of darkness of their own free will. Anorae could only imagine what sort of horrid ritual that they were subjected to that turned them into servants of the Abyss.

"Wait a minute," said Zabaia. He was looking down, feeling the aura coming towards them some more. His eyes widened at what he sensed.

"Xerxei," he gasped.

"Who?" asked Thesean.

"He's an Aggressor class Shadow," Zabaia enlightened. "A younger one, but still powerful, and he's an excellent battlefield commander. With him leading this army, I don't like our chances, my lord. Unless..."

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