Chapter 4: Anorae

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Acran was one of the most ancient countries on Zenartha. The kingdom of the sky-scaled draconians was rumored to have been founded by Drogbel, the Great Dragon of the Sky and Wind. Another rumor was that it was founded by a draconian warlord who soon became the King. Whether Acran was founded by the dragon or a draconian King, though, it has stood for thousands of years. Many of the kingdom's veterans of the Dragon War weren't even born when it rose from nothing more than a patch of jungle in Northern Orathan. Whoever the founder was, though, they taught every one of the sky-scaled draconians one thing: War. Every draconian citizen of Acran, male and female, was a warrior. Every blacksmith, every potter, every baker, and every hunter, was capable of wielding a weapon. Every member of the King's royal court was as much a warrior as the King himself was. All of them also fought in the Dragon War, alongside King Atreus, and even King Posidas. There was Thesean, the Lord of War, Myrina, the Lady of Infrastructure, Persean, the Lord of Economics, and then Peritas, the Lord of Foreigners. Even though the King and Queen were the greatest warriors in Acran, every member of their court was just behind them, and now, Anorae.

"Thesean, there is a reason we haven't waged war with the Aze people," King Atreus scolded, pointing to the Lord of War in his court. The current argument within the court was about recent Aze attacks on the borders of Acran and the Aze territory. Anorae was actually interested. It was very hard not to take any of the lords and ladies seriously, since they were all wearing the mithril armor of warriors of Acran. They all carried their mithril swords, even in the King's presence. Atreus must have had great trust for his court, or he could beat any one of them in a fight. Anorae had seen him fight before. He could do anything.

"Exactly," Myrina agreed.

"I was not suggesting sending all of our soldiers, my lord," Thesean assured. "I am only suggesting that we send the savages a message not to mess with us."

"We all know how that will end," said Peritas. "The Aze are isolationists, Thesean. They will not be making alliances or listening to what we have to say."

"We must do something," Thesean argued.

"Agreed," said Atreus. "Something that does not involve going to war or making an alliance? Damned isolationists."

"Father?" asked Anorae, and the King turned her way.

"If they're isolationists, then they don't trade at all, right?" said Anorae.

"Right," King Atreus agreed.

"So, what if we somehow convinced them that their society will not last any longer if they cut themselves off from everyone else?" Anorae suggested. "It would give them a reason not to attack, would it not?"

"Hopefully," said Atreus, then he turned back to his court.

"Well?" he asked Peritas.

"It is worth the attempt," said the Lord of Foreigners. "But we should not expect a miracle." King Atreus smiled at his daughter.

"Well done," he whispered. "Peritas, work on a draft stating that Acran wishes for peace and a trading system. Make sure they understand that we wish for no blood to be shed over a simple misunderstanding. Also, let them know that this is a relationship in which both parties may benefit."

"It will be done, my King," Peritas promised.

"That is all for today," the King declared. "Court is adjourned." Before the members of the court could disperse, one of King Atreus' soldiers walked through the door to the Great Hall.

"My King!" he greeted, bowing before the King. He seemed worried and anxious, and it almost made Anorae feel the same way. Whatever could frighten a draconian warrior must have been terrifying.

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