Chapter 14: Shala

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The morning after arriving in the Midnight's Embrace, Shala tied her dark hair into long braids, then did it in a large bun on the back of her head. It was in the traditional Yeiwynese fashion. It had been months since Shala was able to do her hair like that, or even sleep all throughout a single night. She was always exhausted in the morning and would occasionally fall asleep while she was standing up. She couldn't remember the last time she actually slept in a bed. She was asleep in minutes, and didn't remember what dream she had when she woke up. That was probably for the best. Most dreams that the Abyss showed a Guardian were horrid nightmares. Shala dressed in her Ranger's cuirass before walking out into the hallway. She ran into Dameon, who was in his Blade of Midnight outfit, as he was walking down that same corridor.

"Good morning," the young assassin greeted.

"Morning," said the Guardian.

"How are you settling in?" asked Dameon.

"Very well," Shala assured. "What time is it?"

"Almost ten," Dameon answered.

"Seriously?" asked Shala. "Did I sleep for that long?"

"My first day here, I was out for two days," said Dameon. "Ten hours is nothing. Come on." Dameon led Shala to a large dining area. She could feel her mouth watering at the sight of the fruit and biscuits on the counter against the wall, and the refrigerator with juice and water in it.  She heard Dameon chuckling at her surprise.

"Help yourself," the assassin offered.

"Thanks," said Shala. She gathered a banana, an orange, and biscuits on a glass plate and sat down at the table in the center of the room. She started with the fruit, devouring it in just minutes. The banana was nothing like the ones she would find hanging from palm trees on the shores of Esmijan, Astros, or any of the colonies. It was fresh, and delicious. The Blades of Midnight must have had their own farm somewhere in the jungles of Acran. The orange was just as sweet and delicious. She was full after eating the toasted biscuit.

"I think the last time I filled myself up like that was about six months ago," she sighed.

"Really?" asked Dameon. "Let's see, I think for ten years straight, all I had to eat was table scraps from Lord Nouzari's estate. If there were any." It was cruel, but not surprising. Even so, Shala couldn't believe that someone could be such a horrible person as to treat other people, especially a child, like that. She wouldn't dwell on the subject of Dameon's enslavement, though.

"So, are there more Blades of Midnight than just you and Silas?" Shala wondered.

"Yeah, there are two others," Dameon answered. "Sentia and Tashira. Sentia is probably still in Esturg on an assignment. I don't know when she'll be back, or if she'll have the help of a Guardian, as I did." He winked his eye at Shala. The Guardian could feel her heart beat faster, and then her cheeks turned red. Just talking to him made her smile. Suddenly, the door behind Dameon opened, and another Blade of Midnight walked through. It was a tall, Torribanish woman. She stared at Shala for a second, then gave a glare at Dameon. He nodded his head, saying that Shala was allowed into the Embrace.

"I didn't know we had a guest, Dameon," the assassin said.

"Shala, this is Tashira," Dameon introduced. "And Tashira, this is Shala. She's a Guardian."

"Oh, I know a Guardian when I see one," Tashira assured, walking over and shaking Shala's hand. "It's a pleasure, Shala."

"Likewise," said Shala.

"So, where did you come from, Guardian?" Tashira wondered.

"Esmijan," Shala answered. "But before that, the Aze territory to the north. What about you?"

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