Chapter 6: Shala

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Shala held her hook blade right at the assassin's throat, even as he turned around to meet her eyes. There was no way he was any older than her. He carried a Skaolan sniper rifle, but there were two dead Skaolan soldiers at his feet. Shala raised her other hook blade while the boy's neck was still in the hook of one. She turned the sword around and pointed the shorter blade at the assassin's throat.

"Who the hell are you?" Shala hissed. She sensed a feeling of nervousness from the assassin, whose face was barely visible under his dark hood.

"I can't really answer that," the assassin admitted. "But you're a Guardian, aren't you?"

"Yes," said Shala.

"Listen," the assassin warned. "I'm on your side. Just lower the blades so we can have a normal conversation." Shala had half a mind to drive the shorter blade of her hook sword through the assassin's throat, but she sensed no deceit from the youth. He was speaking honestly. She dropped her aura blades, letting them fade as they touched the ground.

"Thank you," the assassin sighed, lowering his dark hood to reveal a face with almond eyes, and hair with a dark brown color. "I'm Dameon."

"Shala," the Guardian introduced. "What are you doing here, Dameon?"

"You first," said Dameon. Shala gave him an angry glare, then gave out a deep sigh.

"I'm here to free those villagers that General Fallah has working to their deaths," Shala informed.

"Really?" Dameon asked. "I'm here to kill the General himself." Shala raised her eyebrows. A General of the Skaolan army had enough combat skill to match even a Guardian, and Dameon seemed a lowly rogue. He probably wasn't, though, if he managed to strike down two soldiers with precision to match a laser. Even so, it was a bold mission.

"You'll need help with that," Shala warned. "If Fallah has as much skill as any Skaolan General..."

"I appreciate the offer," Dameon interrupted. "But I have to do that myself. You should focus on freeing the villagers."

"Are you sure?" asked Shala.

"Take these," Dameon offered, handing her a pair of large electronic binoculars. "The button on the right is thermal, and the button on the left is infrared. If you really want the villagers' freedom, then chances are they'll be near the bottom of along the walls of the quarry."

"What are you going to do?" Shala wondered. "You could probably kill General Fallah from here with that rifle."

"I have to confirm the kill," said Dameon. "And you would be surprised at what Skaolan armor can protect you from. Let's meet back here when this is all over. Good luck, Guardian."

"You, too, assassin," Shala wished. Dameon jumped forward from the wall, then unsheathed a cutlass enchanted with a storm crystal. He then pulled his hood over his head and crept forward. Shala couldn't recognize the outfit that Dameon was wearing. He was an assassin, but that's all she could figure out about him. She looked through the binoculars that Dameon handed her with the infrared setting that turned the vision green. She managed to eye a hundred soldiers that she needed to sneak past, and then sneak the slaves past. Maybe the Guardian should have asked Dameon to cover her and the villagers' escape. Shala also needed a way to get down into the quarry unseen. That would be somewhat easy. Shala was a Guardian Knight of the Ranger class. She could aura cloak herself to remain hidden, and also warp anywhere within a short distance. Sneaking in would be no problem, but sneaking out with a hundred people would be a challenge. The only way it was possible was if she killed every single soldier in the quarry. As much as Shala would like to, it simply wasn't possible. Dameon might be able to cause some kind of diversion, but he clearly had his own agenda. Then again, they would meet up at the village once he was done assassinating the General. Shala eyed a path along the wall of the quarry that led to its depths with cranes for lifting rocks and cargo standing on them. Most of the slaves were at the bottom of the quarry, swinging their pickaxes, while more were in cages, either starving or sleeping. Several spotlights were positioned at the top and the lower levels of the quarry. They must have been for making sure the slaves didn't try and escape. All Shala needed to do was avoid the lights, stay out of sight of the Skaolan soldiers, and somehow get a hundred people to safety unseen. As crazy a plan it was, it was the only plan that made even the smallest bit of sense.

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