Chapter 21: Dameon

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"You honestly expected her to kill her own brother?" Dameon snapped.

"I expected a Guardian to strike down a creature of darkness, and she didn't," Silas snapped back. "Kai is a monster!"

"You read that book with me," Dameon reminded. "The Shadows are not monsters!"

"What would you know about it?" Silas wondered. "You aren't a Guardian. You can't sense darkness."

"And what the hell would you know about it!?" Dameon shouted. "Unless you've actually seen what Shala's capable of, who are you to judge whether what she does is right or wrong!? She has lost almost everyone she's ever cared about, and you're about to punish her for not acting on an impulse!?"

"We've all lost people we care about to the Empire of Skaola," Silas reminded. "The fact that she..."

"Well, she didn't decide to kill someone she hated at that moment," Dameon interrupted. "She wanted to save someone she loved. She believes that her brother can be saved from the Abyss, so who are we to argue?"

"The ones who allowed her into the Embrace in the first place!" Silas declared. "And I want her out of here by the time the sun rises, or she's dead!" He stormed off before Dameon could object. Dameon couldn't believe what he had just heard. He had never seen Silas like this before. Silas fought for the freedom of the colonies, and so did Shala, but he was treating her as an enemy. How could he, especially after Shala made a single mistake? It wasn't even a mistake. Shala only found out her brother was alive, but not in the way she thought he was, and didn't kill him. Silas expected her to kill him anyway. It sickened Dameon, so much that he refused to spend another second in Midnight's Embrace. He went and found Shala in her chambers. The Guardian was already packing her things for a long trip, dressed in her Ranger's cuirass, and her hair done in the Yeiwynese bun again. She couldn't have known that Silas had kicked her out, unless she overheard his argument with Dameon. Shala must have been packing for something else.

"Where are you going?" Dameon wondered.

"The Celestial Sword," Shala answered. "For answers."

"About the Shadows?" asked Dameon.

"Yes," said Shala. "I have to know what happened to him."

"I know," Dameon understood. "But Silas doesn't understand that."

"What do you mean?" asked Shala.

"He wants you out of the Embrace by sunrise, or he'll kill you," Dameon admitted.

"What?" Shala gasped. "Why?"

"He says you compromised the mission against Nouzari," said Dameon. "By not killing someone who identified you before he warned him."

"Are you talking about Kai?" asked Shala. "My brother?"

"I'm afraid so," said Dameon.

"How could he even expect that, from anyone?" Shala snapped.

"That's what I'm wondering," said Dameon. "But he did. I'm sorry this is happening, Shala." Shala hung her head and sat on her bed. There was a look in her eyes that Dameon would have recognized anywhere. It was a look of defeat, and shame.

"Shala," Dameon sighed. "This isn't your fault. Silas just isn't who I thought he was. No one can be blamed for that. And I definitely won't be staying here for another minute."

"Where will you go?" Shala wondered. "Why don't you come with me?"

"To the Guardian outpost?" said Dameon. "Would I be welcome there?"

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