{Before} chapter 1

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I crouched down aburtly behind a green bush making sure I was completely hidden. Gently, I pushed my finger tips into the soil of the earth. I slowed my breathing and closed my eyes,  focusing on feeling and listening for any predators. When I felt there wasn't any around I advanced toward my prey.

The huge bulk stood tall in the middle of the forest. His fuzzy brown fur glistened where the sun touched him and  his neck was craned down, eating away at the grass. I kept my eyes glued on him making slow movements in his direction.


The deer immediately looked up puffing out his chest to make him seem larger. I squeezed my eyes shut and bite my lip. My body went rigid as my stomach started to clench.  I needed this meal.  The deer's eyes roamed around  the silent forest until they registered on me. As soon as he saw me he took off.

"Fuck," I cursed getting up and sprinting after him. I followed him as he twisted and turned through the forest. The wind flew through my hair and my feet grazed through the grass. I smiled feeling the adrenaline course through my body. The chase had soon turned more into a game for me.

As I got closer to the deer I elongated my claws and  pounced on it digging them into its skin. The deer yelped in pain as we fell hard onto the ground. Due to the impact of the fall it's leg snapped. I sat up next to it looking at it breath heavily and whimper. I rested one of my  hands roughly on it neck and the other on the bridge of there nose. Quickly I snapped it's neck.

"Gratia's ago amice." ~ (Thank you my friend.)

I stood up staring at my meal. I was satisfied, more than satisfied with my meal for tonight. I picked up the dead deer with ease and trudged back to shelter.


This chapter is very short, but this is kinda like the.... Prologue  but I  dont want to name it the prologue cause it is and isnt.

Idk. (*´>д<)

Hoped you liked it though and the chapters will get longer...Hopefully ;-)

This book starts off with you knowing she is an Hybrid already. Alright...good.

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