Chapter One

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Central Middle School, Miss.Lancasters homeroom class.

"Listen up class, chose your partners but chose wisely." Miss.Lancaster said as she walked behind her desk.

"Hey Kayla!" "Wanna be my partner?"

I turned around to find out who it was and to know it was my bestfriend Allie.

"Of course!" I said with a fake smile.

Me and her never get any work done when we are partners, I love her but I need to get this project done.

I turned around to Matthew Espinosa the cutest boy in the 6th grade. All my stuff fell to the floor and he helped me pick all my stuff up. Allie patted me on the back and winked.

"Makayla right?" He handed me my two binders and my green notebook.

"My friends call me Kayla" I smiled a little.

He walked me to my locker. We just talked about the science project and our partners. His partner was the prettiest girl in 6th grade. Funny how there are labels in 6th grade.

"Well see you around" he smiled and blushed.

I could feel myself blush as I smiled and waved awkwardly.

That was when I new I liked Matthew. Even though I've known him since kindergarten.

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