Chapter six

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2 weeks later

[ Kayla's POV]

I woke up to the sound of my alarm.

I didn't take a morning jog today, but instead I made breakfast for everyone. I was in a happy mood today.

On the counter I saw the envelope Matthew gave me yesterday.

I opened it and it said:

"5 years ago... I fell for a girl I would never forget. I finally get to see her again."

I was felt like a tomato. I was blushing so much. I was so embarrassed so I left the kitchen into the bathroom.

Me and Matthew have been closer then ever. I think I'm falling for him. You can't Makayla stop. I know it's wrong but it feels so right.

Tonight we were going to go on a picnic and I was going to tell him how I feel. I felt my phone vibrate

The other night he tried to kiss me but I didn't let him.

We told each other our secrets. I felt amazing with Matthew.

Matthew: Come over now ;)

Me: Wow we are early.

I walked over to his house and I saw through the window him and a girl kissing. I ran home. It's a good this I was home alone.

I cried like I have never cried before. I went into the bathroom and open the mirror and grabbed my moms pills.

The first time I ever attempted to kill myself was October 13th 2009. I was getting bullied at school because I wasn't pretty. I tried to hang myself until my mom grabbed me and laid with me on our basement floor.

I felt stupid. I felt used. I grabbed my phone and texted him.

Me: come over.

Matthew: why?

Matthew: Makayla

Matthew: what's wrong?

Matthew: answer your phone!

I made sure the door was unlocked so he could come in. By the time he came over I already swallowed a handful of pills.


[Matthew's POV]

I grabbed my phone and called 9-1-1 while I ran to Kayla's house. I grabbed her lifeless body and remembered how much fun we had the past weeks.

I remember seeing her run home crying. She was watching me.

Emily came over when I was in my room changing. My phone was on the couch.

"Hey baby" she pushed out her chest.

"I told you to leave me alone." I put my wet towel in my laundry room.

She took off my shirt and I pushed her away and made her leave.

"You'll regret this Matthew!" she was pissed.

That's when I got the texts from Kayla. It's all my fault.

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